
Just a Telgram BOT used for showing TV Guide. You can try it at @StaseraTVBot

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Just a Telgram BOT used for showing TV Guide. You can try it at @StaseraTVBot

#How doest it work? It parses data from staseraintv.com using some regex.

#How can i use it? It sounds to be not very useful at all, but if you wanna use it just do the following:

#Wich command are available? At this time you can use just the "/staseraitv" command. It will parse and get you the italian TV guide of most famous channels.

#Which format will be used for sending the message? I wanted to use the following format:

#What about TODOS? Not in order they are:

  • Implementing a new /info [n] for showing some infos about films/series (Getting Imdb data maybe)
  • Implement a better algorithm for getlastmessage() method