IMDB CLONE is a demo for creating a Movie by an admin with the following options: image, title, description based on this condition User should search using title and filter the movie by category and later a user should add a review on a video [h/she] likes on a specific video she/he likes.


  • Movie: Title, Text, Ratings, Category

  • Rating system from 1-10 available to registered users

  • The home page that shows all movies and the ability to filter movies by categories (URL drove and SEO Friendly)

  • Movie Details Page that shows the average rating

  • From the Home page, it is possible to provide a quick star rating without reloading a page.

  • Admin Interface to manage movies (CRUD)

  • Pagination of Movies on Home Page

  • Deploy an application to cloud servers like a Heroku or DigitalOcean

  • Provide test coverage for the app using RSpec or TDD

  • Use bootstrap or similar for the UI

  • The page should display an empty input field for the search term and a submit button

Deployed Link

Live Link

Screenshot of the IMDB_CLONE_VERSION


Screenshot of the Homepage


Screenshot of the signup/login page



Screenshot of the adminPage


Screenshot of the rating


Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps:

Built With

  • Ruby v3.0.0
  • Ruby on Rails v7.0.4
  • Postgres: >=13.4-1
  • SQLite3
  • Node.js v16.10.0
  • Yarn v1.22.18

Setup and Install

  • Open your terminal - Windows: Win + R, then type cmd | Mac: Command + space, then type Terminal
  • Navigate to a directory of your choosing using the cd command
  • Run this command in your OS terminal: to get a copy of the project
  • Navigate to the project's directory using the cd command
  • Install dependencies by running bundle install
  • Migrate the database to your environment by running rails db:create then rails db:migrate
  • Run rails webpacker:install to configure Webpacker for your environment. Otherwise, an error like Webpacker::Manifest::MissingEntryError will appear if you attempt to run the server.
  • Execute rails server to fire up the server
  • Visit http://localhost:3000/ in your browser to get into the app
  • Interact with the app
  • To close the server, enter Ctrl + C in your terminal


Instal gems with:

bundle install

yarn install

Setup database with:

   rails db:create
   rails db:seed
   rails db:migrate

Github Actions

To make sure the linters' checks using Github Actions work properly, you should follow the next steps:

  1. On your recently forked repo, enable the GitHub Actions in the Actions tab.
  2. Create the feature/branch and push.
  3. Start working on your milestone as usual.
  4. Open a PR from the feature/branch when your work is done.


Start server with:

    rails server

Open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser.

Run tests

    bundle exec rspec


👤 NSABIMANA Emmanuel


Thanks to IDMB for awesome design work.

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues/.