
A Simple yet complex Whatsapp bot developed by Empty-sama in Javascript using Baileys

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

🎀Yukino Yukinoshita🎀

Good day. I am Yukino Yukinoshita, A whatsapp Multi Device Bot Developed by [Empty-sama](https://github.com/Empty-sama/Empty-sama). I have many uses plus functions that you can use after deploying me

🍁 Run Repl for Qr 🍁

🚄 Deploy On Railway 🚄

🍀 Deploy On Heroku 🍀

Deploy on Heroku

Add These 2 Builbpacks On Heroku




apt update
apt upgrade
pkg update && pkg upgrade
pkg install bash
pkg install libwebp
pkg install git -y
pkg install nodejs -y 
pkg install ffmpeg -y 
pkg install wget
pkg install imagemagick -y

git clone https://github.com/Empty-sama/Yukino
cd Yukino
npm i
npm start

Command For 24/7

npm i -g forever && forever index.js && forever save && forever logs

Windows Cmd & Vs

> git clone https://github.com/Empty-sama/Yukino.git
> cd Yukino
> npm i
> npm start

Edit config file

Edit your config details in your own repo like -- config.js

13  global.Owner = ['27729378630']//Use your number instead of mine
14  global.OwnerNumber = ['27729378630']//Use your number instead of mine
15  global.ownertag = ['27729378630']//Leave blank if you don't want bot to send the msg
16  global.BotName = "Yukino" //U could change name if you really wanted to
17  global.packname = "Yukino"//sticker pack name
18  global.author = "Empty-sama"//author of sticker pack name
19  global.OwnerName = "Empty-sama Sir🚀🌟"//Number to display on V-Card

If you want Autoreply/Bot chat

Comment out/delete /* , */ the code form your Core.js line 224,332 in your own repo like -- Core.js

224   /* Dm and Groups Autoreply/Bot chat
226   if (!isCmd && !m.isGroup){
227   const botreply = await axios.get(`http://api.brainshop.ai/get?bid=166512&key=5nz1Ha6nS9Zx1MfT&uid=[uid]&msg=[msg]=[${budy}]`)
228   txt = `${botreply.data.cnt}`
229   m.reply(txt)
230   }    
232    */

⚡ Spacial Thanks To ⚡

* [🧩Kai for A17](https://github.com/sama0071)

✧ Join My Whatsapp Group for Support ✧


  • This bot is not made by WhatsApp Inc. So misusing the bot might ban your WhatsApp account!(Though your WhatsApp account can be unbanned only once.)
  • I am not responsible for banning your account.
  • Use at your own risk by keeping this warning in mind.

✧ Thanks To Fantox ✧