
This project developed with SpringBoot with mysql for web app. Project using dockerization for operations.

To run project;

Firstly pull mysql from hub.docker.com

docker pull mysql

After pull, you need a mysql container. If you don't have any mysql container, you should create it

docker run --name <custom_mysql_container_name> -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=passwrd -d mysql

Now we ready to enter your mysql container

docker exec -it <custom_mysql_container_name> mysql -uroot -ppasswrd

some mysql commands;

show databases;                     //to view current databases

create database <custom_db_name>;   //create new custom database

use <custom_db_name>;               //switch to any database;

show tables;                        //to view tables at selected database;

After all you ready for run project

mvn clean install

Note: For this project, Docker image will create automaticly after build. If you want to create your own image

docker build -f Dockerfile -t springboot-mysql/springboot-mysql-docker .

Finally run Docker image that we created

docker run -p 6000:6000 --link=<custom_mysql_container_name> springboot-mysql/springboot-mysql-docker