

  1. az-clı ( for Azure connections)


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install Azure cli packages or enter az login if installed
  3. Update the "variables.tfvars" with node information and Azure vm credentials
  4. You can run firstly terraform init connect to backend
  5. You can run secondly terraform validate configuration validation check
  6. You can run terraform plan --var-file=variables.tfvars to see what will be provisioned
  7. If you are happy with the plan, run terraform apply --var-file=variables.tfvars
  8. or Auto approve this configuration terraform apply --var-file=variables.tfvars --auto-approve
  9. If you wish to destroy the provisioned resources, run terraform destroy --var-file=variables.tfvars

OPTIONS General Conf (variables.tfvars)

variable_name description type
subscription_id_var Azure subcription ID string
tenant_id_var Tenant ID string
resource_group_var Resource Group string
location_var VM Location (Usually West Europe) string
subnet_var Subnet string
vnet_var VNet string

OPTIONS VM Conf (variables.tfvars)

variable_name description type
node_count_var VM Count number
node_host_names_var VM HostNames list(any)
node_ips_var VM IP Addresses list(any)
vm_size_var Machine Type (Usually Standard_D8s_v5) string
sku_var OS Version string
os_offer_var OS Disk Size (GB) string
storage_account_type_var Storage type (Usually Standard_LRS) string
admin_username_var Azure VM Username string
admin_password_var Azure VM Password string

OPTIONS VM Disk Conf (variables.tfvars)

variable_name description type
is_data_disk_enable Data disk enable or disable bool
os_disk_size_gb_var OS Disk Size (GB) number
data_disk_size_gb_var Data Disk Size (GB) number
data_disk_count_per_vm Data Disk count number


Ansible Roles -> winrm.ps1 : line 170

Author Information

Emre Demir SRE