Case Study (Card System)


  • Some TODOS not completed. But I know the problems. I can fix them.
  • I didnt completed tests part properly and not complete for all modules.

Table of Contents


The user registers in the system. The system automatically creates a card for the user. When the user logs into the system, the automatically created card is updated with status='ACTIVE'. The user can perform operations such as creating, deleting, updating, and listing cards using the API. The user can also perform transactions with specific cards.


  • There are some modules and these modules includes some endpoints within the API.
    • auth/
      • register
      • login
    • card/
      • create
      • update
      • delete
      • find
    • transaction/
      • create
      • stats
      • details
  • All enpoints for card and transaction covered with authentication jwt token. Firstly register and use that token for all operations.


  • You can view the Swagger documentation using the link 'http://localhost:8000/doc'.
  • You can try all endpoints on Swagger documentation
    • Firstly register with email and password.
    • Then authorize that user from right side of screen. Enter the email address(as a username) and password you used to register.
    • Then try other enpoints.


  • The necessary configuration information is in the .env.sample file. You need to create the ".env" file and copy the data inside the sample.
  • Before starting the service, run the command "pip install -r requirements.txt" or "pip3 install -r requirements.txt".
  • To start the service, use the uvicorn --reload app.main:app" or sh" or bash".


Firsly, clone project from github(to ssh clone)

git clone

or clone with https

git clone

Then change directory

cd fastapi-card-project/

Run pwd command to be sure correct path


Install packages:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

To run service

uvicorn --reload app.main:app

To run test code(It is not completed. It will not working properly):

pytest -s