MultiModal Peft datasets

Here I list down datasets used by those papers:

  • InstructBlip
  • ICode-V2

[√] means already downloaded and have available dataloader in

[x] means have not downloaded or unavailable

This readme only contains the datasets mentioned in InstructBlip paper or ICode-V2 paper. For full List of implemented datasets, please check test_model function in

Speech Language Pretraining Tasks


[x] i-code: An integrative and composable multi-modal learning framework (from IcodeV2)

Transcribe the speech utterance to text

Sentiment Analysis

[√] MOSEI (from IcodeV2)

[x] Spoken Language Understanding Evaluation (SLUE) (from IcodeV2)

Predict the sentiment of this segment:

Emotion Recognition

[√] CMU-MOSEI (from IcodeV2)

Predict the emotion of this segment:

Speech Augmented Text Reconstruction

Reconstruct the following text based on the speech:

Vision Language Pretraining Tasks

Vision Captioning for Image

[x] Florence image-text pair dataset (from IcodeV2)

[√] COCO Caption (from InstructBlip)

[x] Web Cap Filt (from InstructBlip, used in BLIP and BLIP2)

[x] NoCaps (from InstructBlip held out dataset) NoCaps contains 15,100 images with 166,100 human-written captions for novel object image captioning. (Used Validation portion)

[√] Flickr30K (from InstructBlip heldout dataset) Used test portion 1K

[√] TextCaps (from InstructBlip) image captioning dataset that requires the model to comprehend and reason the text in images.

Generate the caption for this image:

Vision Captioning for Video

[√] Web-Vid10M (from IcodeV2)

Generate the caption for this video

VQA For Image

[√] VQA V2 (from Icodev2 and instructblip) is dataset for open-ended image question answering.

[x] Vizwiz (from instructblip heldout set) A dataset contains visual questions asked by people who are blind. 8K images are used for the held-out evaluation.

[x] GQA (from instructblip heldoutset) contains image questions for scene understanding and reasoning. We use the bal- anced test-dev set as held-out.)

[x] Visual Spatial Reasoning (from instructblip heldout set) VSR is a collection of image-text pairs, in which the text describes the spatial relation of two objects in the image. Models are required to classify true/false for the description

[x] IconQA (from instructblip heldout set) IconQA measures the abstract diagram understanding and comprehensive cognitive rea- soning abilities of models.

[√] OKVQA (from instructblip) OKVQA contains visual questions that require outside knowledge to answer

[√] A-OKVQA (from instructblip) A-OKVQA is a successor of OKVQA with more challenging and diverse questions.

[x] ScienceQA (from instructblip heldout set) ScienceQA covers diverse science topics with corresponding lectures and explanations. In out settings, we only use the part with image context (IMG).

[√] VisualDialog (from instructblip heldout set) Visual dialog is a conversational question answering dataset.

Answer the following question based on the image:

VQA for Video

[√] MSVD-QA (from instructblip heldout set) We use the test set (13K video QA pairs) of MSVD-QA for held-out testing.

[√] MSRVTT-QA (from instructblip heldout set) MSRVTT-QA has more complex scenes than MSVD, with 72K video QA pairs as the test set.

[x] iVQA (from instructblip heldout set) iVQA is a video QA dataset with mitigated language biases. It has 6K/2K/2K samples for train/val/test.

Answer the following question based on the Video:

Vision Augmented Text Reconstruction

Same as image Captioning

Reconstruct the following text based on the image: [with masked text]


[√] OCR-VQA (from instructblip) contains visual questions that require models to read text in the image

[x] TextVQA (from instructblip heldout set) TextVQA requires models to comprehend visual text to answer questions.

[x] HatefulMemes (from instructblip heldout set) A binary classification dataset to justify whether a meme contains hateful content.

[√] LLaVA-Instruct-150K (from instructblip) An instruction tuning dataset which has three parts: detailed caption (23K), reasoning (77K), conversation (58K).

Language - Only Tasks

Text Recontrusction

Reconstruct masked spans in the following text:

Prompt Design for specific datasets


1. Video + audio + text + instruction: "predict the sentiment" 
2. Video + audio instruction: "predict the sentiment"
3. Video + instruction: "predict the sentiment"
4. Audio + instruction: "predict the sentiment"


1. ASR
2. audio + masked text to text reconstruction


1. Image Captioning
2. Image + masked text to text reconstruction
  1. Text generation (Wikipedia + Bookcorpus)

Other possible datasets

  • Youtube 8M Video classfication dataset
  • Multimodal C4 billion scale corpus of images interleaved with text
  • VALOR VALOR: Vision-Audio-Language Omni-Perception Pretraining Model and Dataset