- 4
- 6
Question on the tutorial of multi-fidelity modeling
#466 opened by stdrj - 1
How to save/load model?
#465 opened by AkrhamHorrorComing - 3
Parameter Space Constraint
#401 opened by Rblack999 - 2
Obtaining difference values between fidelities
#436 opened by Atulsingh92 - 6
Add windows build back
#461 opened by apaleyes - 2
issue while running the sample file for PBBO
#458 opened by Ada-tf - 2
about GPR and kriging method
#449 opened by silencetraveler - 2
Constraining multi-fidelity gp model
#438 opened by kenzaxtazi - 2
Issues with numpy 1.24
#443 opened by apaleyes - 0
Implement LogEI
#456 opened by apaleyes - 5
Optimizing the lengthscales
#452 opened by eafshari - 3
- 2
- 8
Question about multi-output GPR
#439 opened by coderxulh - 4
Nonlinear Multi-Fidelity Problem
#445 opened by pzhcdh - 1
import issue while running examples
#441 opened by amirhch - 1
mypy static type checking support
#440 opened by bpkroth - 7
new release?
#426 opened by mmahsereci - 7
- 9
Questions about the multi-fidelity model
#435 opened by AnthonyLarroque - 3
sample pool instead of parameter space
#431 opened by yhl48 - 1
Question about constraints
#429 opened by FelixNeutatz - 0
- 10
Bayesian optimization gives flat latent function?
#403 opened by iRove108 - 6
- 5
Example when the function is not available
#389 opened by Atulsingh92 - 4
Issue with running multi-fidelity BO notebook.
#387 opened by PC-FSU - 5
- 4
Multi Arm Bandit
#388 opened by garitrik - 1
How to speed up the training and prediction with GPU like GPyTorch and GPFlow?
#376 opened by intellisense-team - 4
Categorical Parameter as a context variable
#359 opened by mmilanek37 - 2
- 3
- 3
Rename `master` -> `main`
#348 opened by ekalosak - 2
- 3
Incongruence in Constraint Definitions?
#371 opened by ntenenz - 0
Improve execution of parallel eval notebook
#370 opened by apaleyes - 3
IntegratedHyperParameterAcquisition.update_parameters() uses different settings to generate samples than at initialisation
#363 opened by BrunoKM - 1
Doc-string fix: GPyModelWrapper.get_covariance_between_points() inputs not restricted to 1 point only
#367 opened by BrunoKM - 5
The proper way of combining HMC with batch acquisition strategies for Bayesian Optimization
#361 opened by BrunoKM - 6
Thompson sampling
#349 opened by ekalosak - 6
Tests fail with GPy==1.10.0
#364 opened by ekalosak - 3
normalize X or Y?
#362 opened by AmosJoseph - 2
GPyModelWrapper.generate_huperparameters_samples changes the value of fixed parameters
#344 opened by BrunoKM - 3
problem concerning convergence
#356 opened by AmosJoseph - 1
Different interface for IVR
#360 opened by charelstoncrabb - 2
automatic relevance determination(ARD)
#354 opened by AmosJoseph - 2
import emukit successfully,but others SyntaxError
#351 opened by AmosJoseph - 1
Stale imports in DOE tutorial
#352 opened by charelstoncrabb