Summary: Reverse engineering of 3D Pinball for Windows – Space Cadet
, a game bundled with Windows.
How to play: Place compiled executable into a folder containing original game resources (not included).
Supports data files from Windows and Full Tilt versions of the game.
Known source ports:
Platform | Author | URL |
PS Vita | Axiom | |
Platforms covered by this project: desktop Windows and Linux.
fromWindows XP
) and its public PDBCADET.EXE
32bit version fromFull Tilt! Pinball
Tools used: Ghidra
, Ida
, Visual Studio
What was done:
- All structures were populated, globals and locals named.
- All subs were decompiled, C pseudo code was converted to compilable C++. Loose (namespace?) subs were assigned to classes.
Project uses C++11
and depends on SDL2
On Windows:
Download and unpack devel packages for SDL2
and SDL2_mixer
Set paths to them in CMakeLists.txt, see suggested placement in /Libs.
Compile with Visual Studio; tested with 2019.
On Linux:
Install devel packages for SDL2
and SDL2_mixer
Compile with CMake; tested with GCC 10, Clang 11.
Decompile original gameResizable window, scaled graphicsLoader for high-res sprites from CADET.DAT- Misc features of Full Tilt: 3 music tracs, multiball, centered textboxes, etc.
- Cross-platform port
- Using SDL2, SDL2_mixer, ImGui
- Maybe: Android port
- Maybe x2: support for other two tables
- Table specific BL (control interactions and missions) is hardcoded, othere parts might be also patched
On 64-bit bug that killed the game:
I did not find it, decompiled game worked in x64 mode on the first try.
It was either lost in decompilation or introduced in x64 port/not present in x86 build.
Based on public description of the bug (no ball collision), I guess that the bug was in TEdgeManager::TestGridBox