
My Vim Configuration, optimising for JS, C#, XML, and writing; Currently is build for Ms. Windows only

Primary LanguageVim Script

Cerni's VimConfig

A vim configuration as learning material for dummy and beginner.

This Vim Configuration created to utilise mainly for lite coding and writing. It is optimised to work on Markdown, JS, C#, XML, HTML and CSS. I make this as clean as possible and you definitely need to access the specific files to do specific things. I do give comment to almost all configuration listed here, so you can see them as 'cheat sheet', especially for people who are new to vim and want to make configuration.

I divide this VimConfig into several files:

File Contents
.vimrc Main configuration which shown at ~/
.vimrc.plugins all plugin used in this configuration
.vimrc.config main configuration, you usually see this within main .vimrc
.vimrc.keymaps all keymaps to native vim command. Plugin's specific keymap not included here
.vimrc.plugin.config configuration for plugins used in this vim configuration. Including keymaps

Again, you definitely need to add your custom configuration in those specific file, especially the plugins since plugin and plugin configuration will not work if the order is upside down.


You need these dependency before you can use this config:

Folder structure

The folder structure of this vim configuration is here:

    |   +---.vimrc.plugins
    |   +---.vimrc.config
    |   +---.vimrc.keymaps
    |   +---.vimrc.plugin.config
    |   \---\bundles

Please note that the ~\ means %USERPROFILE% or C:\Users\[Your User]

GUI configuration

Tab & Space

I use space instead of tab, so I map tab button to add 4 spaces. You can comment this if you are a tab user.


I use syntax folding, if you want to use other folding style globally, please refer to :h fold. You can change using your preferred folding methods.


I use the gruvbox colorscheme in this configuration. You can use your own preferred colorscheme. Just put it at .vimrc.plugins and install it. This configuration use dark background as default.


The font used here is FuraMonoPowerline_NF, you can browse ryanoasis' repo Nerd Fonts to find the font that suit you. Please use the font that support powerline in order for the vim airline powerline symbol to works correctly.


leader key

The default leader key used at vim is \, which is hard to reach, so I map the key into ,. Feel free to map or comment out the mapleader as you see fit.

$ key

$ key used to go to the end of line, since I'm using my own custom keyboard (VBLX-dvorak) derived from Programmer-Dvorak, the $ located at tilde (~) key, which is very far, therefore I swap the key with q. This may not make sense for QWERTY user, so feel free to comment it out.

Navigation between split

I have eliminate the need to press <C-W> before <C-[navigation key]> to navigate between split. So when you need to jump to other split, just press <C-[direction]>. Ex: <C-H> will jump you to left split, while <C-K> will jump you to top split.

Some shortcut

Here are some shortcut you might find interesting.

shortcut functions
,bg switch background between dark and light
,ns set nospell, useful when you hate those error mark at writing markdown
F5 Insert current timestamp
,{1..x} open the buffer at number x
F7 Invoke TagbarToggle
F8 Invoke GundoToggle
<C-E> Toggle NERDTree
,sp implement :SoftPencil


I use Vundle for plugin manager.

These are the plugins I put in this configuration:

Plugin Function
YouCompleteMe Code Completion, you need to build it before it works
UltiSnips Syntax snippet
Gundo Undo history
vimproc run command and got result from within vim
vimshell a shell, within vim, nuff said
tagbar code tags
vim-airline status bar for vim
numbers better line number
syntastic showing your code is wrong
vim-snippets snippets for UltiSnips
vim-surround Working with surrounding symbol
colorizer view color of your hex within text
nerd-commenter commenting at vim made easy
autoclose autoclose surrounding symbol
closetag autoclose for HTML tag
wakatime track your active time, you need to register to wakatime.com first
fugitive all about git utility
NERDTree file exlporer within vim
ctrlpvim mru, file and buffer explorer
gitgutter git edit indicator at editor
NERDTree git plugin git indicator at NERDTree
vim pencil Writer tools, especially wrapping
startify a start page for vim
devicons icons...for vim

Language pack

I have these language pack plugin installed:

Last word

Personally, I don't really encourage to depend on anyone's configuration, but indeed, they are a good start for a new user of vim. You can understand how .vimrc actually works. I don't do many keymap because I don't need them yet. I will add more if I find something I need. You can contact me if you having difficulty setting up your Vim. I will help as I can.