This is the Iota mongodb class that is common among several processes/repos. We are trying it out as a separate repo to see what the advantages/disadvantage are of doing it this way.
It extends mongo-models which is a light wrapper around mongodb to make a few things easier.
var Iota=require("iota")([list of docs to initialze collection with - if it is empty]);
also, if you aren't doing MongoModels.connect() anywhere else, you can do:
await Iota.connectInit();
Note, it's important to await in order to make sure that the database is connect before functions that require the db are executed.
this should only be done in one place in a project. Everywhere else use:
var Iota=require("iota")();
_id: Joi.object(),
path: Joi.string(), The path, beginning with '/' that pulls up this document
subject: Joi.string().required(), A one line headline for what this document describes
description: Joi.string().required(), A a paragraph description of what this document describes
webComponent: [Joi.string(),Joi.object()], The name of a webComponent in app/components/web-components, or an object with a property webComponent set to that name, and all the other properties of the object will be passed props to the webComponent
participants: Joi.object(), a list of participants in the discussion
component: Joi.object(), The name of a components
userId: Joi.string(), The mongodb userId document _id as a string
parentId: Joi.string(), The parent document _id as a string
bp_info: Joi.object(), some ballotpedia info
The mongo-models API can be found here: