
IRC library for .NET

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A C# library for chatting on an IRC (Internet Relay Protocol) network.

Supports a lot of RFC 1459 and a little of 2812. Should be sufficient for most of your IRC bot-making needs.


Here's an example of using this library:

var client = new IrcClient("irc.freenode.net", new IrcUser("ChatSharp", "ChatSharp"));
client.ConnectionComplete += (s, e) => client.Join("#botwar");
client.ChannelMessageRecieved += (s, e) =>
    var channel = client.Channels[e.PrivateMessage.Source];
    // Respond to a few commands
    if (e.PrivateMessage.Message == ".list")
        channel.SendMessage(string.Join(", ", channel.Users.Select(u => u.Nick)));
    else if (e.PrivateMessage.Message.StartsWith(".ban "))
        if (!channel.Operators.Contains(client.User))
            channel.SendMessage("I'm not an op here!");
        var target = e.PrivateMessage.Message.Substring(5);
        client.WhoIs(target, whois => channel.Ban("*!*@" + whois.User.Hostname));

while (true) ; // Do nothing


To compile ChatSharp on Windows, add C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 to your PATH. Then, from the root of the ChatSharp repository, run this:


On Linux and Mac, install Mono, then run this from the root of the CraftSharp repository:


You can also compile it with Visual Studio/SharpDevelop/MonoDevelop/etc.

Getting Help

If you find a bug or wish to request a feature, create a GitHub issue. You may also create an issue to simply ask a question.


I only add to this project when I need something more from it. As a result, it tends to only support the things I need it to. Fortunately, for this particular project, I need a nice featureset and it supports quite a lot of things. However, if you need it to do something else, it's probably best for you to implement it yourself. The code isn't that scary and I'm sure you can do it. You can create a GitHub issue asking for your feature, but it may be done months later, or never. Feel free to submit a pull request with your changes once you've added them - your contributions are appriciated.


ChatSharp uses the permissive MIT license.

In a nutshell:

  • You are not restricted on usage of ChatSharp; commercial, private, etc, all fine.
  • The developers are not liable for what you do with it.
  • ChatSharp is provided "as is" with no warranty.