OpenPose for EnTimeMent

Library and CoLab script to facilitate running OpenPose and to do some post-processing.

This library was created for the EnTimeMent project.

Running the CoLab script

Open OpenPose_Colab.ipynb and click 'Run in CoLab'.

Installation of entimement_openpose python library

Install dependencies of entimement_openpose using conda or miniconda:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Alternatively use pip to install the packages listed in environment.yml.

Running the command line script

$ python --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]

  Runs openpose on the video, does post-processing, and outputs CSV files.
  See cli docs for parameter details.

  -v, --input-video TEXT          Path to the video file on which to run

  -j, --input-json TEXT           Path to a directory of previously generated
                                  openpose json files

  -o, --output-dir TEXT           Path to the directory in which to output CSV
                                  files (and videos if required).

  -r, --crop-rectangle INTEGER...
                                  Coordinates of rectangle to crop the video
                                  before processing, in the form w h x y where
                                  w and h are the width and height of the
                                  cropped rectangle and (x,y) is the top-left
                                  of the rectangle, as measured in pixels from
                                  the top-left corner.

  -n, --number-of-people INTEGER  Number of people to include in output.
  -O, --openpose-dir TEXT         Path to the directory in which openpose is

  -a, --openpose-args TEXT        Additional arguments to pass to OpenPose.
                                  penpose/flags.hpp for a full list of

  -m, --create-model-video        Whether to create a video showing the poses
                                  on a blank background

  -V, --create-overlay-video      Whether to create a video showing the poses
                                  as an oVerlay

  -w, --width INTEGER             Width of original video (mandatory for
                                  creating video if  not providing input-

  -h, --height INTEGER            Height of original video (mandatory for
                                  creating video if  not providing input-

  -c, --confidence-threshold FLOAT
                                  Confidence threshold. Items with a
                                  confidence lower than the threshold will be
                                  replaced by values from a previous frame.

  -s, --smoothing-parameters <INTEGER INTEGER>...
                                  Window and polynomial order for smoother.
                                  See README for details.

  -b, --body-parts TEXT           Body parts to include in output. Should be a
                                  comma-separated list of strings as in the
                                  list at
                        , e.g.
                                  "LEye,RElbow". Overrides --upper-body-parts
                                  and --lower-body-parts.

  -u, --upper-body-parts          Output upper body parts only
  -l, --lower-body-parts          Output lower body parts only
  -f, --flatten TEXT              Export CSV in flattened format, i.e. with a
                                  single header row (see README)

  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Run OpenPose on a video to produce output CSVs (1 per person) in the output directory and an overlay video, cropping the video to width 720, height 800 from (600, 50):

python --input-video=example_files/example_1person/short_video.mp4 --openpose-dir=../openpose --output-dir=output --create-overlay-video --crop-rectangle 720 800 600 50

Parse existing JSON files created by OpenPose to produce 1 CSV per person in the output folder, showing only upper body parts, outputting up to 3 people, and using the confidence_threshold and smoothing to improve the output (using short form of arguments):

python -j example_files/example_3people/output_json -o output -u -n 3 -s 21 2 -c 0.7

Quick run

The script runs a sensible set of default options on the two examples in example_files, producing both overlay and model videos.


Post-processing options

There are two ways to reduce the jitter from the OpenPose output: using a confidence threshold and using the smoother.

Confidence Threshold

Applying a confidence threshold removes values with a confidence level below the threshold and replaces them with the value from the previous frame.


Setting the smoothing parameters applies a smoothing function to reduce the jitter between frames. The parameters are:

  • smoothing window: the length of the smoothing window, which needs to be odd. The higher it is, the more frames are taken into account for smoothing; between 11 and 33 or so seems to work well. If it's too big it will affect/delay genuine movements.

  • polyorder: the order of the polynomial used in the fitting function. It needs to be smaller than the smoothing window (2 seems to work well, 1 connects with straight lines, etc.)

CSV format

The CSVs which are output give the positions for a single person. They contain one line per frame, and columns showing the x, y and confidence for each body part.

With flatten=False (default), the CSV output looks like this (note that this is a minimal example showing only the eyes):

Body Part,LEye,LEye,LEye,REye,REye,REye

which in table form looks like this:

Body Part LEye LEye LEye REye REye REye
Variable x y c x y c
0 977.627 285.955 0.907646 910.046 271.252 0.92357
1 974.83 286.009 0.910094 909.925 271.277 0.925763

If you export CSVs with flatten=False, they can be read back into a pandas.DataFrame as follows:

df = pd.read_csv(csv_path, header=[0,1], index_col=0)

The dataframe will have MultiIndex columns to allow easier access to the values.

With flatten=True, the CSV output looks like this:


which in table form looks like:

LEye_x LEye_y LEye_c REye_x REye_y REye_c
0 977.627 285.955 0.907646 910.046 271.252 0.92357
1 974.83 286.009 0.910094 909.925 271.277 0.925763