Differential Fuzzing of solidity Fixed-point libraries
This is a repo that aims to check whether different Fixed-point libraries output the same result by using Foundry differential fuzzing. We analyzed openZepplin, solady, solmate and prb-math. In general they are compatible with each other. However, there are some slight differences in the implementations in terms of corner cases handling. And they consume different amount of gas as well. you can find the detailed report in the report
This repo is generated from Patrick's solidity fuzzing boilerplate
You will need to install Foundry to run the fuzzing tests. Here are the installation instructions for mac users:
Open your terminal and type in the following command:
curl -L https://foundry.paradigm.xyz | bash
This will download foundryup. Then install Foundry by running:
After installing Foundry, you can compile the contracts by running:
forge build
And run all the tests by running:
forge test
Running Foundry Fuzzing
# Simple fuzzing with Foundry:
forge test --match test_diffSqrt
# Differential fuzzing against another implementation with incompatible Solidity version via ganache fork:
forge test --fork-url --match-path test/DiffFixedPointTest.t.sol
# Differential fuzzing against an executable via FFI shell command execution:
forge test --match-path test/DiffFixedPointTest.t.sol
Note you can change the number of runs in foundry.toml. More runs mean there are more random inputs feed into the functions. If you instead want to run quick tests, eg. for CI, adjust the configuration according to your needs.