Win32 and Kernel abusing techniques for pentesters & red-teamers made by @UVision and @RistBS
Dev mode enabled, open to any help :)
Windows Binary Documentation
- PE structure
- PE Headers
- Parsing PE
- Export Address Table (EAT)
- Resolve function address
- Import Address Table (IAT)
- Import Lookup Table (ILT)
Execute some binary
Code injection techniques
- CreateRemoteThread injection
- Process Hollowing
- APC Queue technique
- Early Bird
- Reflective DLL Injection ⏳
- Dll injection
- Process Doppelganging
- Fibers
- CreateThreadPoolWait ⏳
- Thread Hijacking ⏳
- MapView code injection ⏳
- Module Stomping ⏳
- Function Stomping
- Complete PE injection in remote process ⏳
Hooking techniques
RE Bypass techniques
EDR/Endpoint bypass
- Direct syscall
- High level languages
- Patch inline hooking
- Detect hooks ⏳
- Patch ETW
- Sandbox bypass
- Debugging Bypass
- Patch Kernel callbacks ⏳
- VirtualProtect technique
- Fresh copy unhook
- Hell's Gate
- Heaven's Gate
- PPID spoofing
Driver Programming basics
Offensive Driver Programming
- Process protection removing
- Patch kernel callback (dev way) ⏳
- Integrity and privileges levels ⏳
- Enable SeDebug privilege ⏳
Using Win32 API to increase OPSEC
- Case of Emotet : PPID Spoofing using WMI
- Zeus malware hidden files technique
- SpyEye keyloger hooking technique
- Most ridiculous malware stop (WannaCry)
- 🔹 (Very Good Cheatsheet)
- 🔹 (Awesome red team cheatsheet with great code injection notes)
- 🔹 (Undocumented NT functions)
- 🔹 (Microsoft Official Doc)
- 🔹 Windows Kernel Programming - Pavel Yosifovich
- 🔹 (Very interesting docs about evasion, anti-debug and so more)
- 🔹 (Awesome content about malware dev and reverse)
: First Header of PE, contains MS DOS message ("This programm cannot be run in DOS mode...."), MZ Header (Magic bytes to identify PE) and some stub content.IMAGE_NT_HEADER
: Contains PE file signature, File Header and Optionnal HeaderSECTION_TABLE
: Contains sections headersSECTIONS
: Not a header but useful to know : these are sections of the PE
Details :
Simple PE parsing to retrieve IAT and ILT absolute address:
- Obtain base address :
- PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER = base address, dos header
BaseAddress + IMAGE_IMPORT_DIRECTORY.VirtualAddress
(RVA of IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR) - IAT absolute address : IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR.FirstThunk (RVA IAT) + BaseAddress
- ILT absolute address : IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR.OriginalFirstThunk (RVA ILT) + BaseAddress
- Often called "EAT"
- Resolve all functions that are exported by the PE
- Resolve DLLs
- Defined in IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY structure:
public UInt32 Characteristics;
public UInt32 TimeDateStamp;
public UInt16 MajorVersion;
public UInt16 MinorVersion;
public UInt32 Name;
public UInt32 Base;
public UInt32 NumberOfFunctions;
public UInt32 NumberOfNames;
public UInt32 AddressOfFunctions; // RVA EAT and contains also RVA of exported functions
public UInt32 AddressOfNames; // Pointer array contains address of function names
public UInt32 AddressOfNameOrdinals; // Pointer array contains address of ordinal number of functions (index in AddressOfFunctions)
Using function address
What do you wait ? Find this function !
Using ordinal number
An ordinal number is an index position to the corresponding function address in AddressOfFunctions array. It can be used to retrieve the correct address of function, like below :
Let's try to find the corresponding address (Addr4) with given ordinal number 3.
- AddressOfFunctions : Addr1 Addr2 Addr3 Addr4 .... AddrN
- AdressOfNameOrdinals : 2 5 7 3 ... N
The address we are looking for is on 3th position (from 0), and our ordinal number corresponds to the index of this address.
Using function name
The Nth element in AddressOfNames array corresponding to the Nth element in AddressOfNameOrdinals array : using a given name, you can retrieve the corresponding ordinal number, and proceed to find the function address using this number.
- Often called "IAT"
- The PE loader doesn't know what address is corresponding to which function (again more with ASLR) : Let's call IAT to save us
- Defined in IMAGE_IMPORT_DIRECTORY struct:
DWORD Characteristics;
DWORD OriginalFirstThunk; //RVA to ILT
DWORD TimeDateStamp;
DWORD ForwarderChain;
DWORD Name; //RVA of imported DLL name
DWORD FirstThunk; //RVA to IAT
- Obtain RVA of IAT
- Parse trough IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR structure : Name member is the RVA of the name of current DLL
- To get the real DLL name : find it in ILT (originalFirstThunk+BaseAddress)
- To get exported functions of current DLL : PIMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME function_name->Name = ImageBase+AdressOfData
Detailed code example here :
Every DLLs imported by PE has its own ILT.
Absolute address of ILT = BaseAddress + OriginalFirstThunk (IAT)
Contains all functions name that are in imported DLL.
This technique had some good successful bypass rates few years ago; however, because of increasing number of EDR and other endpoint solutions, writing on disk should as possible be avoided.
Most EDR products will hook win32 api calls in user mode (PatchGuard strongly decrease kernel hooks availability). To avoid these hooks, you can directly call Nt() equivalent to your api functions.
SysNtCreateFile proc
mov r10, rcx //syscall convention
mov eax, 55h //syscall number : in this case it's NtCreateFile
syscall //call nt function
SysNtCreateFile endp
Find the right syscall number at this table :
- Build the Function Prototype using
PHANDLE FileHandle,
ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,
PLARGE_INTEGER AllocationSize,
ULONG FileAttributes,
ULONG ShareAccess,
ULONG CreateDisposition,
ULONG CreateOptions,
PVOID EaBuffer,
ULONG EaLength);
- Resolve the NT address
FARPROC addr = GetProcAddress(LoadLibraryA("ntdll"), "NtCreateFile");
Code sample :
C++/C are often more flagged by AV/EDR products than high level equivalent languages : use Go, Rust or other language to craft your best templates !
You can inject some code stored in a dll in a remote process. Unfortunately, EDRs product will likely catch it easily, especially if malicious dll touch the disk.
Code sample :
Sandbox are quite used by AV/EDRs to test some API calls and other part of code before to really execute your programm. There are several techniques to avoid this tool, here are some of them below :
- Wait. Seriously. Such function as
or equivalent will do the job, for some seconds before to execute the real shellcode. - Try to allocate lot of memory (malloc), like 100000000 bytes.
- Try to detect if you are actually in a sandbox (VM) environnement : test for open process,files and others suspicious things.
- Try to resolve a fake (not working) URL : many AVs products will respond with fake page.
- Use strange and rarely used Api calls, like
most sandbox cannot emulate this type of call.
IntPtr mem = VirtualAllocExNuma(GetCurrentProcess(), IntPtr.Zero, 0x1000, 0x3000, 0x4, 0);
Not a real AV evasion technique, but still useful to avoid being reversed too easily by RE engineers. There are so many ways to detect or make debuggers crazy, but here are some of them below :
Flags way
You can use IsDebuggerPresent()
(Win32) or direct call NtQueryInformationProcess()
(not so very documented) to check for debug flags.
Handles way
Try to close invalid (missing) handles with CloseHandle() API. The debugger will try to catch the exception, which can be easily detected :
bool Check() //
return false;
__except (EXCEPTION_INVALID_HANDLE == GetExceptionCode()
return true;
ASM way
Try to make an INT 3 call (ASM) : it's an equivalent to a software breakpoint, which will trigger a debugger. There are so many other ways to detect any debugger, a lot of them are compiled at :
Simply write your shellcode in previously allocated memory space inside the target process. (Not OPSEC)
Code sample :
Inline hooking is the most basic way to hook a function : it simply consists to redirect the API call to your own function (jump)
Code sample :
Simply (re) hook your hooked functions by apply the right function call:
Driver are used to execute code in kernel mode rather than in user mode. It is a powerful technique to bypass all usermode hooks and monitoring which were set by AV/EDRs.
It can be also used to bypass kernel callbacks and other kernel monitoring.
The code of any driver must be verified (any warning should be treated as an error) to ensure it will be crash-free (You don't want to cause BSOD during pentest, right ?).
Few years ago, Microsoft decided to ban unsigned drivers from his operating system : you must disable it before to load your own driver, or use any vulnerability (like to disable driver signing.
In a real pentest, you must find any vulnerable driver and profit:)
- Driver entry proc is defined as below :
#include <ntddk.h>
_In_ PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject,
_In_ PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath)
It is very important to use UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER()
macro on DriverObject
and RegistryPath
parameters, unless they are referenced by adding some code later.
You can hide your API function calls by hash them with some hash algorithm (djb2 is the most used), be careful of hash collision that are possible with some special funcs.
Then combine this technique with a direct address resolving in EAT, and let reversers cry :)
There are several techniques you can use to hide your calls to win32 api, here are some of them:
- Use
array to splice your function/dll names into multiple chars
char sWrite[] = {'W','r','i','t','e','P','r','o','c','e','s','s','M','e','m','o','r','y',0x0}; //don't forget the null byte
You can even combine this trick with some ASCII char code convert.
You can manually resolve a pointer to any function of kernel32, ntdll and so more.
- First declare the template of your function, based on the real function header :
typedef HANDLE(WINAPI* myOpenProcess)(DWORD,BOOL,DWORD); //if you work directly with ntdll, use NTAPI*
- Then resolve a pointer to the function :
myOpenProcess op_proc = (myOpenProcess*)GetProcAddress(LoadLibraryA("ndll.dll"),"OpenProcess"));
Don't hesitate to combine this technique with some strings obfuscation to avoid passing the real func name in plaintext.
By using some tricks with VirtualProtect()
you can easily avoid been flagged in-memory : change between PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE
(less suspicious) to avoid triggering your favorite AV.
By modifying the corresponding function address to a pointer on your own function, you can make the programm executing your own code.
It can be done by following several steps :
- Find the relative address of IAT
- Parse the IAT to find the function you want to hook
- Replace this function address ("patch") with the adress of your function
- Enjoy
Code sample :
Avoid hooks by replacing the "hooked" ntdll by a fresh one, directly mapped from the disk.
Code sample : //à ajouter
Use MajorFunction IRP_MJ_CREATE and IRP_MJ_CLOSE to act as "interrupt" to communicate with your driver from client-side.
DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CREATE] = CreateClose;
DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CLOSE] = CreateClose;
Then define your CreateClose function :
_In_ PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
_In_ PIRP Irp)
DbgPrint("[+] Hello from FirstDriver CreateClose\n");
Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
Complete sample code here : //
You can execute some raw binary file in memory by allocate its size space in a memory region :
SIZE_T size = GetFileSize(binfile,NULL);
HANDLE hProc = GetCurrentProcess();
CreateRemoteThread(hProc, NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)buffer, NULL, 0, NULL);
Use Wow64 to inject 64 bits payload in 32 bits loader. Can be useful to bypass some AV/EDRs because Wow64 will avoid you to be catch in userland.
The most known version of this technique has been created by the MSF team, see their awesome work here :
User-mode applications send IOCTLs to drivers by calling DeviceIoControl, which is described in Microsoft Windows SDK documentation. Calls to DeviceIoControl cause the I/O manager to create an IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL request and send it to the topmost driver (
The userland app must use DeviceIoControl (ioapiset.h) function to communicate with a driver. It will be used to send various requests to its Device object.
Simple sample code here : //todo
As described in General concepts section, drivers must be signed before to install on a Windows system. Despite the fact you must use some driver or kernel exploit to bypass it (Gigabyte driver CVE for example), you can still disable it manually :
bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS
bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON
Then restart your computer;obviously you need local admin rights on the machine you want to execute these command. As a restart is needed, this not opsec at all.
When a suspicious/anormal process start below a "legit" or unattended process parent, it become very suspicious. Think about a malicious Word macro which deploy a powershell process : such strange, right ?
PPID Spoofing can avoid that by allowing you to modify the parent process id (PPID) of your spawned process.
#include <windows.h>
#include <TlHelp32.h>
#include <iostream>
//code from :
int main()
SIZE_T attributeSize;
ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(STARTUPINFOEXA));
HANDLE parentProcessHandle = OpenProcess(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, false, 6200);
InitializeProcThreadAttributeList(NULL, 1, 0, &attributeSize);
si.lpAttributeList = (LPPROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_LIST)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, attributeSize);
InitializeProcThreadAttributeList(si.lpAttributeList, 1, 0, &attributeSize);
UpdateProcThreadAttribute(si.lpAttributeList, 0, PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_PARENT_PROCESS, &parentProcessHandle, sizeof(HANDLE), NULL, NULL);
si.StartupInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOEXA);
CreateProcessA(NULL, (LPSTR)"notepad", NULL, NULL, FALSE, EXTENDED_STARTUPINFO_PRESENT, NULL, NULL, &si.StartupInfo, &pi);
return 0;
A protected process have the "protected" mode enable in the kernel : using the PPL (Protected Process Light) technology, it can be protected from various things like code injection, memory dump, etc. You can enable it for lsass to avoid password dumping by modifying some reg keys.
To remove this protection, you must load some malicious driver.
Code sample : //
To avoid using hardcoded syscalls, Hell's Gate (Hells Gates ?) retrieve them dynamically by parsing EAT (compare memory bytes to syscall opcodes). The original Poc has been made by the great VX-Underground team, and can be found here :
Works perfectly even with sysmon/process hacker monitoring; it enables the ability to hide your command args, which can be useful in pentest/red team ops (powershell -enc .....
To achieve that objective, you can spawn a new process with "legit" command args in supended mode, then edit these args directly in PEB.
Simply replace the original function address (obtained with GetProcAddress) with the new one. This technique is well detailed by his author :
Process Hollowing is made in several steps :
Create the targeted process ("hollowed" one) in suspended mode : it is needed to modify it
Unmap the targeted process from its PEB (You must declare this structure first)
Write the content of the new exe in this process : headers + content
Parse and apply relocation table
Let the process continue to run in its thread
Complete POC can be found here :
Inject your shellcode in all available threads in a process, then use QueueUserAPC()
function to query an APC call. This technique can not be reliable when there are no many threads in the compromised process.
Sample code :
Fibers can be defined as cooperatively scheduled threads (
. It allows the main program to execute the shellcode trough this new thread type.
Code sample :
Similar to APC Queue injection, here the APC call must be set in a suspended process. The created process main thread is then resume; the main advantage of this technique is that avoiding writing the shellcode in a running process will be less detected by AV/EDRs.
Code sample :
ETW (Event Tracing for Windows
) is a logging low-level API which can be used for debugging/logging kernel and usermode process. It has been first implemented in Windows 2000, but realtime monitoring is really available since Windows XP.
ETW API is available from headers files provided by Microsoft :
In a pentest operation, you should care about this functionality by patching it : the most used way is to write arbitrary ret
opcodes into the ETW event writing function (EtwEventWrite
) to avoid logs be writing somewhere.
Code sample :
Process Doppelganging was until a few years an untected method of launching your own payload into some tricky way. It has been demonstrated at BlackHat 2017 by Tal Liberman and Eugene Kogan, see their amazing work :
It is an "intermediate" step before the process hollowing technique : the PE image is indeed overwrited before to get executed, so the WindowsLoader make the Process Hollowing for us (so cool, right ?).
Hasherezade has maked some cool POC of this technique, availabe here :
This technique has been discovered in the well-known malware Emotet. To spawn a new powershell process (intented to execute some payload), it use the COM api with a WMI instance. With this trick, the powershell process is spawned as a child process of the WMIPrvSE process, which far less suspicious than be spawning by a suspicious exe or even a Word file.
Zeus Malware Hidden Files
The well-know Zeus malware use some quite ingenious trick to hide its logs (keystrokes, password ,etc) in the compromised system. It hooks the NtQueryDirectoryFile()
function to filter displayed results.
typedef struct _FILE_NAMES_INFORMATION {
ULONG NextEntryOffset;
ULONG FileIndex;
ULONG FileNameLength;
WCHAR FileName[1];
if (file_matches)
// Check for end of list
if (pCurrentFileNames->NextEntryOffset == 0)
// Hide current file
if (pPrev)
pPrevFileNames->NextEntryOffset = 0;
Source :
SpyEye malware hooks TranslateMessage()
function to save keystrokes : the hook procedure use GetKeyboardState
function to add the typed char to a 20000 bytes buffer.
Source :
Wannacry ransomware used a killswitch URL which was resolved before the execution of the main payload. After this domaine has been registred, all wannacry samples has been disabled. This technique was related here : Fun fact: this domain was in clear string, without any obfuscation. Quite funny:)