

CAN Client library for Python.
NOTE: this library requires python-can.



You can install this library using pip. To install:

pip install git+

Import to your application

To import it into your python script, insert import CANClientLib.canClient as canClient.
And client = canClient.Client() to create instance.
If no arguments was passed to canClient.Client, Client configure virtual CAN and provide it.

(This virtual CAN is provided by python-can, not SocketCAN.
If you need virtual CAN by SocketCAN, use client = canClient.Client("vcan1", "socketcan_native").)

Library Dependencies

This library requires some modules shown below:

And if you use it on Raspberry Pi, you also need:

  • RPi.GPIO (but almost Raspbian OS includes it)


All files in this repository is published under the MIT Licence.
In details, see LICENCE.