
(Particle Interactions) A Minecraft mod that adds particles to various interactions in the game, such as placing a block or tilling dirt.


Particle Interactions

A mod that adds particles to more interactions in the game, such as when placing a block or stripping a log. The mod aims to be as configurable as possible and doesn't need to be installed on the server!

This mod is fully client side, however, a few particles added by the mod won't spawn when other players use items, place blocks, etc. Better multiplayer support is planned in the future, which may require the mod to be installed server-side

All particles added by the mod can be adjusted or disabled entirely in the mods' config menu! To access this, click the Mods button on the title or pause screen (on Fabric you need Mod Menu), click on the Particle Interactions mod, and click the config button

This mod is in beta!

Some things may be changed or removed entirely before the full release. The config may break between versions before the full release. If you spot bugs / crashes, please open an issue!

Mod compatibility has been improved in v0.3, however if you find any incompatibilities or crashes with other mods, please open an issue!

Current Features as of v0.3

  • Unique block breaking/placement particles which appear when breaking, placing or sprinting on certain blocks
    • Snowflakes (applies to snow blocks, snow layers, and powder snow by default)
    • Cherry petals (applies to cherry leaves, cherry saplings, and pink petals by default)
    • Azalea and flowering azalea leaves (applies to (flowering) azalea and (flowering) azalea leaves by default)
    • Tinted Leaves (applies to every other vanilla leaf block by default)
    • Grass Blade (applies to grass blocks, grass, tall grass, seagrass, and hay bales by default)
  • Bubbles are spawned when placing or breaking blocks underwater
  • Sparks are spawned when using a flint and steel
  • Fire ans smoke particles are spawned when using a fire charge
  • Sparks occasionally fly out of campfires and regular fires (sparks are blue for soul fire)
  • Particles when tilling dirt, stripping logs, and flattening dirt
  • Sparks fly from minecart wheels when they are travelling close to full speed on a rail

Planned Features

You can view the full list of planned features here!


Particle Interactions by ioblackshaw (a.k.a. Enchanted_Games) is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0

Video content creators may monetise videos including this work provided the license is followed.