
A Parser for BBCode

Primary LanguagePHP

Build Status


BBCodeParser is a standalone library that parses all(?) the common bbcode tags. The easiest way to install is via composer and is equally as easy to integrate into Laravel 4

The available tags are:

  • [b][/b] Bold
  • [i][/i] Italic
  • [u][/u] Underline
  • [s][/s] Line through
  • [size=4][/size] Font size
  • [color=#eee][/color] Font color
  • [center][/center] Center
  • [quote][/quote] Quote
  • [quote=John Doe][/] Named quote
  • [url][/url] Link
  • [url=http://example.com]example.com[/url] Named link
  • [img]http://example.com]example.com/logo.png[/img] Image
  • [ol][/ol] Ordered list
  • [ul][/ul] Unordered list
  • [*] List item
  • [code][/code] Code
  • [youtube][/youtube] Youtube


The easiest way to install the BBCodeParser library is via composer. If you don´t now what composer is or how you use it you can find more information about that at their website.


You can find the BBCodeParser class via Packagist. Require the package in your composer.json file.

"golonka/bbcodeparser": "1.0.*"

Then you run install or update to download your new requirement

php composer.phar install


php composer.phar update

Now you are able to require the vendor/autoload.php file to PSR-0 autoload the library.


// include composer autoload
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// import the BBCodeParser Class
use Golonka\BBCode\BBCodeParser;

// Lets parse!
$bbcode = BBCodeParser::parse('[b]Bold[/b]');

If you´re a fan of Laravel 4 then the integration is made in a blink of an eye. We will go through how that is done below.

Laravel 4 integration

The BBCodeParser Class has optional Laravel 4 support and comes with a Service Provider and Facades for easy integration. After you have done the installation correctly, just follow the instructions.

Open your Laravel config file config/app.php and add the following lines.

In the $providers array add the service providers for this package.


Add the facade of this package to the $aliases array.

'BBCode' => 'Golonka\BBCode\Facades\BBCodeParser'

Now the BBCodeParser Class will be auto-loaded by Laravel.


By default all tags will be parsed


If you would like to use only some tags when you parse you can do that by doing like this

// In this case the [i][/i] tag will not be parsed


// In this case all tags except [b][/b] will be parsed

Custom Parsers

You can add new custom parsers or overwrite existing parsers.

// name, pattern, replace
BBCode::setParser('mailurl', '/\[mailurl\](.*)\[\/mailurl\]/', '<a href="mailto:$1">$1</a>');