Macaws Airplane Project Instructions

* Uses a JDBC Driver to connect to a MySQL Database

How to setup (Currently working variation)

1.0.0  Start XAMPP

2.0.0  Load the Database into your phpMyAdmin instance
2.0.1  Open phpMyAdmin 
2.0.2  Click the SQL tab
2.0.3  Copy and paste the contents of macaws.sql into the SQL query box
2.0.4  Press Go to run the SQL statements and embedded stored procedures

3.0.0  Load the macawsProject.jar into your Eclipse IDE
3.0.1  Run as Application the the program in macawsProject
3.0.2  Select "0" Menu Item in the program to connect to the macaws Databse

4.0.0  user and password = itp220, db = macaws (all hard coded into the program for ease of use)
5.0.0  Select options 1-X
6.0.0  Record results
7.0.0  Exit