This Python script implements a simple coffee ordering chatbot. It interacts with the user to determine their desired drink size, type, and optionally the type of milk for a latte. It then collects the user's name and confirms their order. The chatbot includes error handling to prompt the user to enter valid inputs when necessary.
def coffee_bot():
print('Welcome to the cafe!')
size = get_size()
drink_type = get_drink_type()
print('Alright, that\'s a ' + size + ' ' + drink_type + '!')
name = input('Can I get your name please?\n')
print('Thanks, ' + name + '! Your drink will be ready shortly.')
def print_message():
print('I\'m sorry, I did not understand your selection. Please enter the corresponding letter for your response.')
def get_size():
res = input('What size drink can I get for you? \n[a] Small \n[b] Medium \n[c] Large \n')
if res == 'a':
return 'Small'
elif res == 'b':
return 'Medium'
elif res == 'c':
return 'Large'
return get_size()
def order_latte():
res = input('And what kind of milk for your latte? \n[a] 2% Milk \n[b] Non-fat Milk \n[c] Soy Milk \n')
if res == 'a':
return 'Latte'
elif res == 'b':
return 'Non-fat Latte'
elif res == 'c':
return 'Soy Latte'
return order_latte()
def get_drink_type():
res = input('What type of drink would you like? \n[a] Brewed Coffee \n[b] Mocha \n[c] Latte \n')
if res == 'a':
return 'Brewed Coffee'
elif res == 'b':
return 'Mocha'
elif res == 'c':
return order_latte()
return get_drink_type()