
React frontend, multi-core Apollo Server 2 API, and Postgres micro-services running in Docker

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Full Stack Docker

Multi-core Node / Apollo Server 2 / React / Postgres running in Docker

This repository is a launching off point for a full stack, multi-core, React, Apollo Server 2, Node, and Postgres app, running in Docker containers.



To get started in development, download Docker, cd into the root directory, and

docker-compose up

To build for production, run:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up -d --build

This will automatcally build a container with the frontend create-react-app build being served by NGINX.


Node's Cluster module spins up one instance of Apollo server for every CPU core on the host machine, for increased performance and load handling.

Apollo Server 2

Apollo Server 2 has been implemented with a permissions middleware layer using GraphQL Shield. The schema has been modularized, with each 'feature' folder combining types and resolvers, before re-exporting and combining in schema.js. Because all queries and mutations are using the 'extend' feature, it is necessary to have a blank query and schema that the others extend from.

ESM is providing ES module support until such time that Node & Node library authors have fully implemented them.

Any request made to /graphql with be proxied to the Node container, and served by Apollo Server. Example sign-in, sign-up, and listAllUsers queries and mutations provided. For example:

query listAllUsers {
  listAllUsers {
mutation signUp($firstName: String!, $lastName: String!, $email:String!, $password:String!){
  signUp(firstName: $firstName, lastName:$lastName, email: $email, password:$password){

query variables:

  "firstName": "Xander",
  "lastName": "Cruise",
  "email": "xsticles@gmail.com"
  "password": "flowers4nearl"
query signIn($email:String!, $password:String!){
  signIn(user:{email: $email, password:$password}){

query variables:

  "email": "friskydingo@gmail.com",
  "password": "awesomex"


A create-react-app scaffold is running in its own container, and will proxy all unknown routes to the API container through the proxy option in the package.json.


Postgres integration happens through Knex, a query builder, and Objection, an ORM. Models can be required in context.js to automatically place models onto GraphQL's context argument.