Intensive Java Bootcamp

This repository contains educational materials and projects completed during an Intensive Java Bootcamp. The bootcamp covers a range of topics aimed at equipping participants with fundamental Java programming skills as well as more advanced concepts commonly used in industry.

Program Structure The bootcamp is divided into individual and team-based sessions, each focusing on specific aspects of Java development. Here's an overview of the program structure:

Day00: Structures and Arrays Description: Covers the basics of solving both trivial and more challenging business tasks using basic Java language constructs. Completed: 100%

Day01: OOP and Collections Description: Focuses on object-oriented programming principles and modeling various collections, culminating in the creation of a money transfer application. Completed: 100%

Day02: IO and Files Description: Teaches how to utilize input/output in Java and implement programs to manipulate a file system. Completed: 100%

Day03: Threads Description: Covers the basics of multithreading mechanisms in Java. Completed: 100%

Day04: JAR Description: Involves creating library archives and using external libraries. Completed: 100%

Day05: SQL and JDBC Description: Utilizes key mechanisms to work with PostgreSQL DBMS via JDBC. Completed: 100%

Day06: JUnit and Mockito Description: Provides an introduction to unit testing and mocking with JUnit and Mockito. Completed: 100%

Day07: Reflection Description: Involves developing frameworks utilizing the reflection mechanism. Completed: 100%

Day08: Spring Description: Introduces enterprise-level Java development and the basics of the Spring framework. Completed: 100%

Getting Started Make sure you have Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your system. You can download it from Oracle's website. Each day is a separate project and needs to be opened since day0X ...

Contribution Contributions are welcome! If you have any ideas for improvement or new exercises to add, feel free to submit a pull request.