CSE154 JSLint

Powered by ESLint, this is the web version of the popular JavaScript Linter for CSE 154. The idea behind the switch from Marty Stepp/Douglas Crawford's JSLint is due to it's lack of extensibility and it was built to lint code of a different time. ESLint has many built in predefined rules to quickly get off the ground. If that is not enough, creating new rules shouldn't be too hard. ESLint mainly requires Node.js to work. However, with Browserify, one is able to build and encapsulate ESLint into a JavaScript source that then could work on a modern browser with the help of require.js lib.

Obtaining ESLint

You need to install eslint from npm for it to work on the command line. https://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/getting-started

Updating and using the web ESLint

From time to time, ESLint may update to include new exciting features and rules. One would need to rebuild it so that the newer version of ESLint may work on the browser. To do so, obtain the most recent source of ESLint. Then run npm install to download the dependancies and npm run browserify to build eslint.js. Navigate to the build/ folder and replace the eslint.js in this repo with the newer version that you just built. The eslint.js exposes the Linter object that is used for validation on the client side.

Updating CSE 154 JSLint rules

All the rules are defined in the eslint-config.json file. Edit that file to add/remove/change rules.