
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Potential Avoidance

This little library implements the potential avoidance algorithm using numpy and matplotlib. You can create easily and quickly your field with many types of objects. Computing a path and display it are also available on this release.

An example with complet field displaying on matplotlib.


You need first to create your field and add some obstacles.

# Create field obj
field = Field()

# Add field limit
field.add_object(LimitObstacle( 2000,3000 ))

# Add your destination with a PointObstacle
# Don't forget to setup your force negative to attract.

# Add obstacle on the robot path
poly = [ (1700,2000), (950,1800),(1100,1500),(1300,1300),]

# Then, compute the path 
path, _ = compute(field, (1100,90),(1000, 2680), max_it=1000)

# And finaly plot it
plot_scalar(field, (0,2000),(0,3000), path=path)

Result :

Field model

You can find 3 basic object model introduced just bellow.


The most basic object, it's only a punctual source. You can use it as a destination in your field.


Polygon object can be used as an obstacle on your field.

Limit field

This object can help you to limit your robot's playground.

Potentials functions

Three functions are available on this lib. Logarithm, Linear, and Exponential can be found at package Field.funct . You can see them on the following graph.



Just use the setup script available on the root. You just have to run it like this :

python3 setup.py install --user