10 Years Later Occupations and Professions
A Work-In-Progress Project Zomboid mod for occupations that replace the vanilla professions for ones that are more 10 years later friendly.
Planned Features:
- More Professions;
- Redesigning professions to fit a specific playstyle (eg. Wanderers being claustrophobic to encourage wilderness play.)
- Faction based professions, such as Bandits and Heroes
- Balancing trait points, experience, etc
- More clothing options for players.
In Consideration:
- Compatability with More Traits mod.
- Items on Spawn (Create this as a seperate mod that can be enabled with this one)
How to install:
- Download the "10YearsLaterOccupations" folder
- Drop into C:\Users\USERNAME\Zomboid\mods
- Done :)
Did you help in creating this mod? Add your name here!
Created by Harry.