
MeteringPoints domain

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This repository contains the codebase for the Metering Point domain which is a part of Energy Origin.


A meteringpoint is a physical or virtual point in the electricity supply network, which electrical energy i measured, calculated as a function of multiple measurements and actors.

Every meteringpoint has a unique id named GSRN. A metering point can measure either energy produced(eg. solar panels and wind turbines) or consumed(eg. office building or average electricity meter in a private home). When producing energy, the energy can be of different technology types eg. coal, solar and nuclear.

Read full meteringpoint description here.


A meteringpoint address is simply the addres in which the meteringpoint is located. See MeteringPoint attributes here.


A meteringpoint delegate identifies which actors(identified by it's subject) has been delegated access to a Meteringpoint(identified by it's GSRN number).


Arcitecture Service architecture demontrating measutrement and external dependencies.

The meteringpoint domain consists of three parts:

  • API
  • MessageConsumer
  • Database


Provides a interface for accessing meteringpoints.


Provides a interface for updating stored MeteringPoints and MeteringPointDelegates. This is used by other services within the cluster.

All communication happens through a MessageBus which the MessageConsumer have subscribed to certain messages of specific event types, as seen in the architecture diagram above.


Used for storing MeteringPoints, MeteringPointAddresses and MeteringPointDelegates.

Building and running service

Information about building and running this service can be found here.

Development environment

Instruction about how to setup a development environment or see the specific requirement go here.