Using Python to Access Web Data
University of Michigan, Professor Charles Severance (My favorite Computer Science professor!), Coursera course
11/2016 - 12/2016
Summary: Scrape, parse and read web data using web APIS. This is part 5 of the Coursera specialization "Python for Everybody".
Libraries learned:
- Urllib
- regular expression (regex)
- XML (xml.etree.ElementTree)
- JSON (json)
- Google maps GEOJSON API
- Twitter API
Feedback: Pretty good course for someone who's new to Python and web scraping.
The assignments are quite easy to complete, I think it would be better if they had been more challenging.
Week6 JSON in Python
No attribute, only lists and dictionaries
import json
data = '''
"name" : "Chuck",
"phone" : {
"type" : "intl",
"number" : "+1 734 303 4456"
"email" : {
"hide" : "yes"
info = json.loads(data)
print 'Name:',info["name"]
print 'Hide:',info["email"]["hide"]
Another example:
import json
input = '''
{ "id" : "001",
"x" : "2",
"name" : "Chuck"
} ,
{ "id" : "009",
"x" : "7",
"name" : "Chuck"
info = json.loads(input)
print 'User count:', len(info)
for item in info:
print 'Name', item['name']
print 'Id', item['id']
print 'Attribute', item['x']
For Twitter, also check and under Week 4's folder.
Week 5 XML in Python
Use xml.etree.ElementTree library
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
data = '''
<phone type="intl">
+1 734 303 4456
<email hide="yes"/>
tree = ET.fromstring(data)
print 'Name:',tree.find('name').text
print 'Attr:',tree.find('email').get('hide')
<!-- use get() for the attribute -->
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
input = '''
<user x="2">
<user x="7">
stuff = ET.fromstring(input)
lst = stuff.findall('users/user')
print 'User count:', len(lst)
for item in lst:
print 'Name', item.find('name').text
print 'Id', item.find('id').text
print 'Attribute', item.get("x")
Week 4 Parsing HTML with Beautiful Soup
Find hyperlinks on a specific webpage.
import urllib
from BeautifulSoup import *
url = raw_input('Enter -')
<!-- html is a string of the entire web page -->
html = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
<!-- Each tag is a dictionary of HTML attributes -->
tags = soup('a')
for tag in tag:
print tag.get('href', None)
Week 3 Networked Programs
socket library(connecting to web servers on the internet)
import sock
mysock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
Talk to the web on an application level
import urllib
fhand = urllib.urlopen('')
fro line in fhand:
print line.strip()
Week 2 Regular Expression
use like find()
hand = open('mbox-short.txt')
for line in hand:
line = line.rstrip()
if line.find('From:') >=0:
print line
import re
hand = open('mbox-short.txt')
for line in hand:
line = line.rstrip()
print line
hand = open('mbox-short.txt')
for line in hand:
line = line.rstrip()
if line.startswith('From:'):
print line
import re
hand = open('mbox-short.txt')
for line in hand:
line = line.rstrip()
print line returns True or False; re.findall() extracts the matching strings;
import re
x = "this is the line we are searching for. I have 2 apples and 3 bananas."
y = re.findall('[0-9]+',x)
z = re.findall('[AEIOU]+',x)
Non-greedy matching:
use ? to help + and *, doesn't need to find the longest string that matches the criteria returns the shortest list that matches the criteria
y = re.findall('^F.+?:',x)
Starting at the beginning of the line, look for the string "From ", matching non-blank character
^ means "not"
'^From .*@([^ ]*)'