Microsoft SQL Server is an enterprise-wide relational database management system that enables data to be stored securely and with integrity and accessed by multiple users at the same time.
- Data processing and storage.
- Data indexing and querying.
- Database management.
- Data flow optimization.
- Data reporting (BI reporting)
- Policy-based data access.
DML (Data Manupilation Language)
- Select (veri seçme)
- Update (veri güncelleme)
- Delete (veri silme)
- Insert (veri ekleme)
DDL (Data Defination Language)
- Create (nesne oluşturma)
- Alter (nesne düzenleme)
- Drop (nesne kaldırma)
DCL (Data Control Language)
- Grant (Yetki verme)
- Invoke (Yetki engelleme)
- Revoke (Verilen yetkiyi geri alma
They are the tables that summarize the data by taking the data from the real tables used as virtual tables in the SQL server environment. It is a sql server object that is stored permanently, not instantly.
When we run a query in SQL, it is the code written to run another query. For example, when we delete, update or add a record from a table, it also updates it from another table.