
A simple IRC bot skeleton example written in Python 3.

Primary LanguagePython


An example IRC bot skeleton written in Python 3.


BotyMcBotface (because what else can you name a bot, really?) is a simple IRC bot skeleton inspired by the tutorial at https://pythonspot.com/en/building-an-irc-bot. This skeleton doesn't really do anything; it was designed as an example of how to write a bot that others can build upon.


There are basically two files - the actual IRC code in the file botymcbotface/irc.py, and an example bot, example_bot.py. The latter has plenty of comments, and should probably be the first one you look at. The other one, botymcbotface/irc.py should be usable as-is, but it's pretty bare-bones as of now. However, to make your own bot, changing example_bot.py should be enough.


To make this work, you first need to register your own version of the bot's nickname on Freenode: http://www.wikihow.com/Register-a-Nickname-on-Freenode

Then, you put two files in a directory called private inside the same directory as the code, one called nickname which contains the nickname you registered, and one called password which unsurprisingly should contain the password. Having done that, you should be able to just start example_bot.py to get it running. Read its code and comments for more in-depth information of how it works.
