Cyber Security related self-learnings. CMPT 318: Cyber Security can be found Here
(Network) Intrusion Detection
- KDD cup ‘99
- NSL-KDD (corrected dataset based off KDD cup ‘99’)
- 94.8% Accuracy
- 91% Accuracy with a feedforward neural network, 94.8% with Ensemble (of non neural network techniques, 'voting')
- Autoencoder of Anomaly Detection
- Upsupervised with PYOD, which is a "A Python Toolbox for Scalable Outlier Detection (Anomaly Detection)"
- 94.8% Accuracy
Anomaly Detection
- Finance S&P 500
- SPX 500* pointing out oddities from the past
- Some argue the stock market is a random signal, which tends to have a positive trent in the long run. So, I tried Anomaly Detection on it
- SPX 500* pointing out oddities from the past
- Finance S&P 500
- Rainbow Table of several Hashing Algorithms* A simple hash lookup table
- Bandwidth Hog* Download a file many times, but do not save the data. Useful for stressing out a network... possibly your own
- File (de)Encryption* boilerplate code for my latter use
- unExpectedProcessChecker* outputs the mutually exclusive set of processes, given set A, which is hardcoded, and set B, which is from the windows environment being run on
- Simple keylogger
- Dos script
- CMPT 318: Cyber Security
- myPybackdoor
- Navigate Directories
- Download, Create, and Delete Files
- Execute custom CMD commands
- Get wifi Password list
- chromePasswordThieve
- Grab passwords saved in chrome and email them out
- Blog post
- bandwidth-hog
- Download a file many times, but do not save the data. Useful for stressing out a network... possibly your own
- Rainbow table of serval hashing algorithm
- A simple hash lookup table, easily expandable to fit your needs