S3 to Redshift

This project aims to build an ETL for bike share company to identify our most highly traffic locations. What´s build an Airflow DAG that allows us to peform this analysis. Before we begin, we need to follow thesee steps below:

How to Run (Step-by-Step)

  • Open IAM.pdf and Create and IAM User in AWS

  • Open Redshift.pdf and Create an AWS Redshift Cluster

  • Go to the project folder and initialize the docker containers

    • Setting the right Airflow user
       mkdir -p ./logs ./plugins
       echo -e "AIRFLOW_UID=$(id -u)" > .env
    • open the terminal and Initialize the database
       docker-compose up airflow-init
    • open another the terminal and run airflow
       docker-compose up
  • Open Airflow-AWS.pdf and connect Airflow to AWS

  • Open Airflow-Redshift.pdf and connect Airflow to AWS Redshift

  • In Airflow-Web go to s3_to_redshift dag unpaused dag and trigger dag The data modeling chosen was the star schema. Among the main advantages we can mention: good response time, script run time, flexibility in the model, low complexity in the model.

Airflow DAG

Redshift Schema

Checking Redshift