Patta Android App

Patta Android App is an Android App for Patta App Project assigned by DSC VU. Basically Patta is a location sharing app. It will generate a unique 10 digit code for every building which will further be used to share location via sharing that 10 digit code in the form of a QR Code. So in simple, a user can generate QR of his location, other can scan that QR and get his exact pin location.


  • Android Studio
  • Java
  • Firebase


  • Clone this project to your computer.
  • Open project in Android Studio.

Directory Structure

Directory Purpose
activities It contains all activities with only UI code
fragments It contains all fragments with only UI code
database It contains ROOM database to have some data locally.
Listeners It contains all Interfaces which will work as listeners
models It contains classes to get interaction with Database/API
repositories It contains Java classes with actual business logic functions
utils It contains helping classes
viewmodels It contains View Models for all the activities. Its functions are get called by UI and it further calls relavent repository class' function.
worker It contains WorkManagers to work in background.


Make sure to make debuggable false in Gradle Module before publishing app to PlayStore.

buildTypes {
        release {
            debuggable false