
A dead simple Spigot plugin that implements minecart spawners and despawners.

Primary LanguageJava


A dead simple Spigot plugin that implements minecart spawners and despawners. Spawners are also able to propel carts forward along a specified direction. As soon as a minecart comes close enough to a despawner, its passenger is ejected, and the cart itself is removed.


  • /spawner - Interacts with spawners
  • /spawner create name [x y z] direction - Creates a minecart spawner with the given name and the given direction. Direction may be n, w, s or e, according to Minecraft's cardinal directions. x, y and z are coordinates - if they are not given, the player's current coordinates are used.
  • /spawner delete name - Deletes the spawner with the given name.
  • /spawner edit name field value - Changes a value of the spawner with the given name. field may be x, y, z, direction or world, where world takes a world name.
  • /spawner activate name [push] [player] - Activates the spawner with the given name. If push is true, the minecart is also pushed in the direction given in /spawner create. If player is given and a player name (or @p or similar), that player is forced into the cart as long as they are within the radius specified in config.yml as min-mount-distance.
  • /spawner list - Displays a list of all currently existing spawners.
  • /despawner - Interacts with despawners
  • /despawner create name [x y z] - Creates a minecart despawner with the given name. Similar to /spawner create. Carts are despawned as soon as they move within the radius defined as min-despawn-distance in config.yml.
  • /despawner delete name - Deletes the despawner with the given name.
  • /despawner edit name field value - Changes a value of the despawner with the given name. field may be x, y, z or world, where world takes a world name.
  • /despawner list - Displays a list of all currently existing despawners.

All commands have corresponding permissions. A player must have the simplerailway.[spawner/despawner].root permission to be able to use the respective command.

All minecarts created by a spawner are untouchable by non-ops unless they have the simplerailway.cartdamage permission.

All minecarts created by a spawner are unable to be exited by non-ops unless they have the simplerailway.cartexit permission.