
Communicate messages from AMQP brokers to CS2D servers via Funnel

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

CS2D Funnel: AMQP module

This is a simple message broker that consumes messages from an AMQP queue and passes them to Funnel with some AMQP metadata. This module may be used in your projects; however, it is opinionated in several aspects:

  • It implements the subscriber part of a pub/sub system; the examples directory contains an example Lua script which implements the publisher part for publishing game chat messages to the AMQP queue (CS2D JIT and amqp-client required).
  • It uses a topic exchange. Other exchange types are not supported in this module.

As always, this is a simple system primarily built for illustrative purposes. It may be prone to security issues and instabilities. However, PRs are always welcome!

Docker example

In an example Docker configuration, suppose we have:

  • A prepared CS2D server instance in /srv/cs2d_server1 on the host (with XCH and the example chat_publisher.lua script installed and set up to run)
  • A network called amqp
  • A rabbitmq container connected to that network (called rabbitmq for simplicity)

A Docker compose file would then look something like this:

version: '3.1'

    image: engin33r/cs2djit:latest
    restart: always
      - "36960:36963/udp"
      - "/srv/cs2d_server1:/cs2d"
      - "luarocks:/root/rocks"
      - amqp
    image: engin33r/cs2d-funnel:latest
    restart: always
      - "/srv/cs2d_server1:/out"
      - funnel
    image: cs2d-funnel-amqp:latest
    restart: always
      - ./.env
      - funnel
      - amqp


    external: true

Now we just need our AMQP Funnel module to point to the Funnel and RabbitMQ containers using their names as addresses, instead of the default localhost. We configure this in the .env file:


We can then start the containers with docker-compose up -d, join the server, send a chat message and verify the messages are being communicated by inspecting docker-compose logs funnel and docker-compose logs funnelmq.

Creating further Docker compose configurations and adjusting the server IDs in the example chat_publisher.lua script will allow you to see the messages, as long as you're monitoring both servers simultaneously, or if you've got a friend to test it with.


Configuration is performed using environment variables, as the module is mainly designed to run in a Docker context.

Variable Default value Description
CS2D_FUNNEL_ENDPOINT http://localhost:8090/recv Endpoint of the Funnel instance
CS2D_FUNNEL_CHANNEL amqp Channel that will be used for Funnel communications (chan)
CS2D_AMQP_HOST localhost AMQP message broker hostname
CS2D_AMQP_PORT 5672 AMQP message broker port
CS2D_AMQP_EXCHANGE cs2d AMQP exchange name
CS2D_AMQP_QUEUE AMQP queue name (empty by default for random queue name)
CS2D_AMQP_ROUTING_KEYS Comma-separated list of routing keys for consumption
CS2D_AMQP_LOGGING INFO Logging level for internal logs (incl. Pika logging)

Message format

This module passes data of the following format to Funnel (example values):

    "exchange": "cs2d",
    "queue": "amq.gen-XXXXXXX",
    "routing_key": "chat",
    "body": "...",

body is a base64 representation of the consumed AMQP message.