
a musician site mvc5. The first big project I develop. Developed nearly 2019

Primary LanguageCSS

Musician Social Media Site | C# Mvc Entity Framework MsSql CkEditor June 2021
• Facilitated easy chord reading for musicians
• Implemented login and comment systems
• Developed editable musician profiles and dynamic categories
• Designed admin and user song management


a musician site mvc5. I wrote this codes synchronusly with murat maseren courses. I change some codes to my like. it takes 1-2 week. I better understand the mvc5 technologie. you can see the site in enginkaratas.com. you can follow your chords with this site when you play music with any of music instrument. With that, you can make comment to music page. You can add new song to site. You have profile. you can change your profile See full documentation: 👉here

Are you thinking about developing a web application for musicians? In this blog post, we'll cover the basics of ASP.NET MVC CodeFirst Entity Framework and show you how to develop a web application for musicians. We'll discuss the different components of this web application and how they work together to provide a great user experience.

Understanding Entity Framework

Entity Framework is a tool that allows you to manage relational tables in a database by creating models in your programming language. It's also known as an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool. CodeFirst, a component of Entity Framework, allows you to create database tables by writing code using attributes.

Understanding MVC and ASP.NET

MVC stands for Model-View-Controller, which is a design pattern that separates the application into three parts: the model, the view, and the controller. ASP.NET is a web framework that's used to build web applications and desktop applications. ASP.NET MVC is a web framework developed by Microsoft that adds the MVC layer to ASP.NET.

Understanding Layered Architecture

Layered architecture is a design pattern that provides several benefits, such as security, centralized management, and cross-platform compatibility. It's also useful when different user interfaces are added to the application, as they can share common layers of code. For our musician web application, we'll create six layers of code, including Login, GateOfMusicians, and 4 other custom layers.

CRUD Operations

CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete, which are methods used to manage data in a database. These methods will be used to manage the data for our musician web application.


Bootstrap is an open-source front-end framework that contains design templates for HTML and CSS. It's useful for creating responsive web pages that can adjust to different screen sizes.

Development Process

To develop our musician web application, we'll use a layered architecture to make it easier to add new features as needed. We'll create classes and interfaces for each layer, such as Login, GateOfMusicians, and others. We'll also use TypeScript to make it easier to develop and debug the front-end code.

Getting Started with TypeScript

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds features like static typing and classes to the language. It's a great choice for large web applications because it makes the code easier to read and debug. We'll use TypeScript to create classes and interfaces for our musician web application.

User Management

User management is a critical component of our musician web application. We'll create a login page where users can enter their credentials, and we'll store their information in a database. We'll also create a registration page where users can create a new account.

Gate of Musicians

The Gate of Musicians is the main page of our web application. We'll use Bootstrap to create a responsive layout that looks great on any device. The page will contain a list of musicians, and users can click on a musician to view their profile.

Musician Profile

The musician profile page will contain information about the musician, such as their biography, discography, and upcoming shows. Users can also leave comments and ratings on the musician's profile.

Adding a New Musician

Users can add new musicians to the database by filling out a form on the Gate of Musicians page. We'll use the Create method of CRUD to add the new musician to the database.


Migrations are necessary when records that should not be deleted start to be created in the database. When a new column or similar information needs to be added, we cannot recreate our database from scratch. That's where migrations scenarios come in.

After uploading the release files to FTP and making sure that our database has the same name as the one we work on locally, the connection string must be set to connect to the database on the server. The steps to activate migrations, create a migration, and update the database are as follows:

To activate migrations, run the command enable-migrations in the data access layer.

Create a migration with the command add-migration migration_name.

Update the database with the command Update-Database.


In this blog post, we covered the basics of developing a web application for musicians using ASP.NET MVC CodeFirst Entity Framework. We discussed the different components of the web application, including Entity Framework, MVC, and Bootstrap. We also discussed the benefits of using TypeScript and layered architecture. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can create a great web application for musicians.

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