
Twitter sentiment analysis and client for ELK Enterprise with Python.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Twitter Data Analysis

  1. Introduction

This study aims to analyze and visualize sentiment analysis on two topics using the Twitter API

Before/After the Ukraine conflict emotional differentiation

Emotional differences in Tweets using the Dollar exchange rate in the Turkish economy.

2. Methodology

2.1. Data collecting

Python programming language and Pandas library were used to perform sentiment analysis on tweets obtained using the Twitter API.

2.2. Using Secure Shell (SSH) and CURL

Tools such as SSH and CURL were used for data extraction. These operations were carried out in order to manage requests to the Twitter API and ensure secure communication.

2.3. Elastic Search and Kibana

Elastic Search and Kibana were used for data storage and visualization. These tools were chosen to analyze Twitter data and create various visualizations.

3. Elastic Search Operations

3.1. Adding Data

The PUT command was used to add data to Elastic Search. For example:

PUT dollar/_doc/1000 { "account_number": 1000, "balance": 65536, "firstname": "Engin", "lastname": "Karatas", "age": 23 }

3.2. Reading Process

Python ElasticSearch-Py library was used for search operations. Match_All property was used to fetch all data.

GET ukraine_crisis_topic/_search { "query": { "match_all": {} } }

3.3. Deletion Process

DELETE command was used for deletions. For example:

DELETE dollar/_doc/1

3.4. Update Process

Update operations are based on finding a specific record and replacing it with new data.

4. Index Export CSV Transaction

The index created on Elastic Search can be exported in CSV format with all its data. This process is accomplished by creating reports.

4.1. Creating a Report for Export Transaction

A relevant report must be created for the index export process. This is done in Analytics > Discover.

4.2. Report Viewing and Downloading Process

The generated reports are displayed and can be downloaded in Stack Management > Alerts and Insights > Reporting.

5. Monitoring, Analytics, and Visualization via Kibana

For monitoring, analytics, and visualization operations via Kibana, the relevant indexes must be defined as data views.

6. Sentiment Analysis and Visualization

Sentiment analysis was carried out on the obtained tweets. Tweets, which were converted into text items using the Python programming language, were divided into positive, negative and neutral categories. These analysis results are interpreted with various visualizations.

6.1. Visualization Models

Number of Records by Location Total Number of Tweets Positive and Negative Tweet Rates and Numbers Average Mood Sentiment Analysis by Countries and Locations Location, Author, Messages According to Density Values Scatter Plot of Density Values Locations with the Highest Number of Followers These visual models are created through Elastic Search and Kibana. Tweet data recorded on the graphs were examined simultaneously.

6.2. Ukraine War Analysis Results

In the examinations carried out between 3-4-5 May, 10-11-12 May, 17 June:

It has been observed that Turkey shares little about the Ukraine-Russia war. More negative tweets were found in England and Spain than in other countries. A serious density of tweets has been detected in all parts of Europe and especially in the UK. In the African continent, especially in Togo, a high density of tweets was observed. 7. Extra Work Extra studies carried out during the thesis study, other than the expected topics:

Elastic Search installation was done manually on the Linux system outside of elastic.co. Jupyter Notebook was installed to test Python codes on Linux Server. Different Elastic Search versions and migrations were made. Dozens of errors encountered have been resolved and documented.

8. Results

Tweets were obtained by topic using Twitter's open-source API. According to the sentiment analysis results, various graphs were created and visualizations were made via Kibana. The data obtained with Elastic Search and Kibana were examined on the world map and various analysis results were obtained.

9. Resources

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