
A containerised stateful application for use in the Kubernetes for Cloud Foundry course.

It has been pushed to Dockerhub and can be pulled at engineerbetter/stateful-app.

Stateful app using a Redis


Without Redis

When deployed without a Redis, the stateful-app utilises Sinatra's sessions, storing information in the app's memory.

With Redis

When deployed to a Kubernetes Cluster where a Redis instance can be detected, the application, upon starting, will use the Redis to store state.

How does this work you ask? When and service is deployed to a Kubernetes cluster, a series of environment variables are set to enable service discovery. The stateful-app uses one of these (REDIS_MASTER_SERVICE_HOST) to determine whether to use a deployed Redis.

Running Locally

$ git clone
$ rackup

Visit the application at localhost:9292

Running on Docker

$ git clone
$ docker build -t engineerbetter/stateful-app .

# Get the image of the recently built image
$ docker images

# Run the image and expose it on port 9292
$ docker run -p 9292:9292 <IMAGE ID>

Visit the app at