
Code and data for "Impact of Evaluation Methodologies on Code Summarization" in ACL 2022.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Impact of Evaluation Methodologies on Code Summarization

This repo hosts the code and data for the following ACL 2022 paper:

Title: Impact of Evaluation Methodologies on Code Summarization

Authors: Pengyu Nie, Jiyang Zhang, Junyi Jessy Li, Raymond J. Mooney, Milos Gligoric

  title =        {Impact of Evaluation Methodologies on Code Summarization},
  author =       {Pengyu Nie and Jiyang Zhang and Junyi Jessy Li and Raymond J. Mooney and Milos Gligoric},
  pages =        {to appear},
  booktitle =    {Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
  year =         {2022},


This repo contains the code and data for producing the experiments in Impact of Evaluation Methodologies on Code Summarization. In this work, we study the impact of evaluation methodologies, i.e., the way people split datasets into training, validation, and test sets, in the field of code summarization. We introduce the time-segmented evaluation methodology, which is novel to the code summarization research community, and compare it with the mixed-project and cross-project methodologies that have been commonly used.

The code includes:

  • a data collection tool for collecting (method, comment) pairs with timestamps.
  • a data processing pipeline for splitting a dataset following the three evaluation methodologies.
  • scripts for running four recent machine learning models for code summarization and comparing their results across methodologies.

How to...

Table of Contents

  1. Dependency
  2. Data Downloads
  3. Code for Collecting Data
  4. Code for Processing Data
  5. Code for Training and Evaluating Models


Our code require the following hardware and software environments.

  • Operating system: Linux (tested on Ubuntu 20.04)
  • Minimum disk space: 4 GB
  • Python: 3.8
  • Java: 8
  • Maven: 3.6.3
  • Anaconda/Miniconda: appropriate versions for Python 3.8 or higher

Additional requirements for training and evaluating ML models:

  • GPU: NVIDIA GTX 1080 or better
  • CUDA: 10.0 ~ 11.0
  • Disk space: 2 GB per trained model

Anaconda or Miniconda is required for installing the other Python library dependencies. Once Anaconda/Miniconda is installed, you can use the following command to setup a virtual environment, named tseval, with the Python library dependencies installed:

cd python/

And then use conda activate tseval to activate the created virtual environment.

The Java code collector will automatically be compiled as needed in our Python code. The Java library dependencies are automatically downloaded, by the Maven build system, during this process.

Data Downloads

All our data is hosted on UTBox via a shared folder.

Data should be downloaded to this directory with the same directory structure (e.g., _work/src from the shared folder should be downloaded as _work/src under current directory).

Code for Collecting Data

Collect the list of popular Java projects on GitHub

python -m tseval.main collect_repos
python -m tseval.main filter_repos

Results are generated to results/repos/:

  • github-java-repos.json is the full list of projects returned by the GitHub API.

  • filtered-repos.json is the list of projects filtered according to the conditions in our paper.

  • *-logs.json documents the time, configurations, and metrics of the collection/filtering of the list.

Note that the list of projects may already differ from the list of projects we used, because old projects may be removed, and the ordering of projects may change.

Collect raw dataset

Requires the list of projects at results/repos/filtered-repos.json

python -m tseval.main collect_raw_data

Results are generated to _raw_data/. Each project's raw data is in a directory named $user_$repo (e.g., apache_commons-codec):

  • method-data.json is the list of method samples (includes code, API comments, etc.) extracted from the project at the selected revisions (at Jan 1st of 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021).

  • revision-ids.json is the mapping from revision to the method samples that are available at that revision.

  • filtered-counters.json is the count of samples discarded during collection according to our paper.

  • log.txt is the log of the collection.

Code for Processing Data

Process raw data to use our data structure (tseval.data.MethodData)

Requires the raw data at _raw_data/.

python -m tseval.main process_raw_data

Results are generated to _work/shared/:

  • *.jsonl files are the dataset, where each file stores one field of all samples, and each line stores the field for one sample.

  • filtered-counters.json is the combined count of samples discarded during collection.

Apply methodologies (non task-specific part)

Requires the dataset at _work/shared/.

python -m tseval.main get_splits --seed=7 --split=Full

Results are generated to _work/split/Full/:

  • $X-$Y.json, where X in {MP, CP, T} and Y in {train, val, test_standard}; and $X1-$X2-test_common.json, where X1, X2 in {MP, CP, T}.

    • each file contains a list of ids.

    • MP = mixed-project; CP = cross-project; T = temporally.

    • train = training; val = validation; test_standard = standard test; test_common = common test.

Apply methodologies (task-specific part)

Requires the dataset at _work/shared/ and the splits at _work/split/Full/.

From this point on, we define two variables to use in our commands:

  • $task: to indicate the targeted code summarization task.

    • CG: comment generation.
    • MN: method naming.
  • $method: to indicate the methodology used.

    • MP: mixed-project.
    • CP: cross-project.
    • T: temporally.
python -m tseval.main exp_prepare \
    --task=$task \
    --setup=StandardSetup \
    --setup_name=$method \
    --split_name=Full \
# Example: python -m tseval.main exp_prepare \
#    --task=CG \
#    --setup=StandardSetup \
#    --setup_name=T \
#    --split_name=Full \
#    --split_type=T

Results are generated to _work/$task/setup/$method/:

  • data/ contains the dataset (jsonl files) and splits (ids in Train/Val/TestT/TestC sets).

  • setup_config.json documents the configurations of this methodology.

Code for Training and Evaluating Models

Prepare the Python environments for ML models

Requires Anaconda/Miniconda, and the models' source code at _work/src/.

python -m tseval.main prepare_envs --which=$model_cls
# Example: python -m tseval.main prepare_envs --which=TransformerACL20

Where the $model_cls for each model can be looked up in this table (Transformer and Seq2Seq are using the same model class and environment):

$task $model_cls Model
CG DeepComHybridESE19 DeepComHybrid
CG TransformerACL20 Transformer
CG TransformerACL20 Seq2Seq
MN Code2VecPOPL19 Code2Vec
MN Code2SeqICLR19 Code2Seq

The name of the conda environment created is tseval-$task-$model_cls.

Train ML models under a methodology

Requires the dataset at _work/$task/setup/$method/, and activating the right conda environment (conda activate tseval-$task-$model_cls).

python -m tseval.main exp_train \
    --task=$task \
    --setup_name=$method \
    --model_name=$model_cls \
    --exp_name=$exp_name \
    --seed=$seed \
# Example: python -m tseval.main exp_train \
#     --task=CG \
#     --setup_name=T \
#    --model_name=TransformerACL20 \
#    --exp_name=Transformer \
#    --seed=4182

Where $exp_name is the name of the output directory; $seed is the random seed (integer) to control the random process in the experiments (the --seed=$seed argument can be omitted for a random run using the current timestamp as seed); $model_args is potential additional arguments for the model and can be looked up in the following table:

$task Model $model_args
CG DeepComHybrid (empty)
CG Transformer (empty)
CG Seq2Seq --use_rnn=True
MN Code2Vec (empty)
MN Code2Seq (empty)

Results are generated to _work/$task/exp/$method/$exp_name/:

  • model/ the trained model.

  • Other files documents the configurations for initializing and training the model.

Evaluate ML models

Requires the dataset at _work/$task/setup/$method/, the trained model at _work/$task/exp/$method/$exp_name/, and activating the right conda environment (conda activate tseval-$task-$model_cls).

for $action in val test_standard test_common; do
    python -m tseval.main exp_eval \
        --task=$task \
        --setup_name=$method \
        --exp_name=$exp_name \
# Example: for $action in val test_standard test_common; do
#    python -m tseval.main exp_eval \
#        --task=CG \
#        --setup_name=T \
#        --exp_name=Transformer \
#        --action=$action

Results are generated to _work/$task/result/$method/$exp_name/:

  • $X_predictions.jsonl: the predictions.

  • $X_golds.jsonl: the golds (ground truths).

  • $X_eval_time.jsonl: the time taken for the evaluation.

  • Where $X in {val, test_standard, test_common-$method-$method1 (where $method1 != $method)}.

Compute automatic metrics

Requires the evaluation results at _work/$task/result/$method/$exp_name/, and the use of tseval environment (conda activate tseval).

for $action in val test_standard test_common; do
    python -m tseval.main exp_compute_metrics \
        --task=$task \
        --setup_name=$method \
        --exp_name=$exp_name \
# Example: for $action in val test_standard test_common; do
#    python -m tseval.main exp_compute_metrics \
#        --task=CG \
#        --setup_name=T \
#        --exp_name=Transformer \
#        --action=$action

Results are generated to _work/$task/metric/$method/$exp_name/:

  • $X_metrics.json and $X_metrics.json: the average of automatic metrics.

  • $X_metrics_list.pkl: the (compressed) list of automatic metrics per sample.

  • Where $X in {val, test_standard, test_common-$method-$method1 (where $method1 != $method)}.