
50 linux productions level powerfull commands. these commands are very usefull in real environment in devops, sysops, linux-administrator roles, and in shell scripting


50 linux productions level powerfull commands. these commands are very usefull in real environment in devops, sysops, linux-administrator roles, and in shell scripting

Linux Powerfull Commands:::::::::::::::::::

50 Linux commands that are very useful for DevOps tasks, along with brief explanations and examples:

  1. rsync - Remote File Copy:
  • Efficiently copy files between local and remote systems.

rsync -avz /local/path user@remote:/remote/path

  1. awk - Text Processing:
  • A powerful text processing tool for pattern scanning and reporting.

#cat logfile | awk '/error/ {print $1, $2}'

  1. sed - Stream Editor:
  • Perform text transformations on input streams.

#cat file.txt | sed 's/old/new/g' 4. find - Search for Files:

  • Search for files in a directory hierarchy.

find /path/to/search -name "*.txt"

  1. tar - Archive and Compress:
  • Create compressed archive files.

tar -czvf archive.tar.gz /path/to/directory

  1. curl - Transfer Data with URLs:
  • Transfer data from or to a server.
  1. lsof - List Open Files:
  • List information about files opened by processes.

lsof -i :80

  1. iptables - IP Packet Filter:
  • Configure IP packet filter rules.

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT

  1. grep - Search Text Patterns:
  • Search for patterns in files.

grep "pattern" /path/to/search

  1. awk '{print $NF}' - Extract Last Column:
  • Extract and print the last column from a file.

cat data.txt | awk '{print $NF}'

  1. tee - Redirect Output to File and Terminal:
  • Redirect output to a file and display it on the terminal.

command | tee output.txt

  1. htop - Interactive Process Viewer:
  • Display an interactive process viewer.


  1. netstat - Network Statistics:
  • Display network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, etc.

netstat -tulpn

  1. awk '!seen[$0]++' - Remove Duplicate Lines:
  • Remove duplicate lines from a file.

awk '!seen[$0]++' file.txt

  1. tail -n 20 - Display Last 20 Lines:
  • Display the last N lines of a file.

tail -n 20 logfile.txt

  1. du -h - Show Disk Usage:
  • Display disk usage of files and directories.

du -h /path/to/directory

  1. ps aux | grep process_name - List Processes:
  • List all processes and filter by name.

ps aux | grep nginx

  1. watch -n 1 command - Execute Command Periodically:
  • Run a command repeatedly at a specified interval.

watch -n 1 "ps aux | grep process_name"

  1. df -h - Display Free Disk Space:
  • Show free disk space on mounted filesystems.

df -h

  1. nc -l 8080 - Simple Netcat Server:
  • Start a simple server using netcat.

nc -l 8080

  1. cut -d' ' -f1 - Extract First Column:
  • Extract and print the first column from a file.

cut -d' ' -f1 file.txt

  1. journalctl - View System Logs:
  • Query and display messages from the journal.

journalctl -xe

  1. chmod +x filename - Make File Executable:
  • Grant execute permission to a file.

#chmod +x script.sh

  1. chown user:group filename - Change File Owner:
  • Change the owner and group of a file.

chown user:group file.txt

  1. nohup command & - Run Command in Background:
  • Run a command that keeps running even after logging out.

nohup ./script.sh &

  1. head -n 10 - Display First 10 Lines:
  • Display the first N lines of a file.

head -n 10 file.txt

  1. fdisk -l - List Partitions:
  • Display the partition table for all disks.

fdisk -l

  1. history - View Command History:
  • Display the command history for the current session.


  1. uptime - Check System Uptime:
  • Display how long the system has been running.


  1. crontab -e - Edit Cron Jobs:
  • Edit the crontab file to schedule jobs.

crontab -e

  1. ip a - Show IP Addresses:
  • Display network interfaces and their IP addresses.

ip a

  1. systemctl status service_name - Check Service Status:
  • View the status of a systemd service.

systemctl status ssh

  1. echo "Hello, World!" > file.txt - Write to File:
  • Write text to a file (overwrites existing content).

echo "New content" > file.txt

  1. useradd username - Add User:
  • Add a new user to the system.

useradd john_doe

  1. passwd username - Set User Password:
  • Set or change the password for a user.

passwd john_doe

  1. ps -ef - Show All Processes:
  • Display information about all processes.

ps -ef

  1. kill -9 process_id - Forcefully Kill Process:
  • Terminate a process forcefully.

kill -9 12345

  1. scp file.txt user@remote:/path - Secure Copy:
  • Copy files securely between local and remote systems.

#scp localfile.txt user@remote:/path

  1. free -m - Display Free Memory:
  • Show the amount of free and used memory.

free -m

  1. systemctl restart service_name - Restart Service:
  • Restart a systemd service.

systemctl restart apache2

  1. echo $VARIABLE - Display Environment Variable:
  • Display the value of an environment variable.

echo $HOME

  1. ps aux | sort -rk 3,3 - Top CPU Consuming Processes:
  • List processes sorted by CPU usage.

ps aux | sort -rk 3,3

  1. tail -f /var/log/auth.log - Monitor Authentication Logs:
  • Continuously monitor authentication logs.

tail -f /var/log/auth.log

  1. systemctl stop service_name - Stop Service:
  • Stop a systemd service.

systemctl stop nginx

  1. wget - Download Files from the Web:
  • Download files from the internet.
  1. grep -i "error" /path/to/log/*.log - Case-Insensitive Search:
  • Search for errors in logs regardless of case.

grep -i "error" /path/to/log/*.log

  1. df -Th - Display Disk Space Usage with Type:
  • Show disk space usage with filesystem type.

df -Th

  1. journalctl --since "2023-01-01" - View Logs Since Date:
  • Display journal logs since a specific date.

journalctl --since "2023-01-01"

  1. systemctl enable service_name - Enable Service at Boot:
  • Enable a systemd service to start at boot.

systemctl enable apache2

  1. awk -F: '//home/ {print $1, $7}' /etc/passwd - Extract

User and Home Directory:

  • Extract and print username and home directory from /etc/passwd.

awk -F: '//home/ {print $1, $7}' /etc/passwd