
This repo will be used to keep a record of your work while at Enye

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Work history

This repo will be used to keep a record of your work while at Enye

Weekly Git Workflow

  • At the start of each weeks curriculum, you will create a folder within the work history repo and title it according to the following pattern:
    • Ex: If it was week 2, the folder title for me would be - week2_uche
  • For each professional section on codecademy we require that you:
    • Create a file or files under its corresponding week’s folder and name it according to this pattern:
    • For example in week 2’s HTML Element and Structure module the professional project is called fashion blog
    • There is an index.html in this project
    • Create a file of a similar name inside of the week{{week_number}}_{{your_first_name}} folder that you created
    • Copy all the code from the codecademy file to your local file
  • Save and Push the changes to your forked repo
  • Keep in mind that we will be checking your work history repo weekly