
SIGS torch classifiers for tranfer learning

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Flaw Detection

SIGS torch classifiers for transfer learning

​ This project is built by:

  • Qianyue He from Xi'an Jiaotong University.
  • Ruikang Liu from Dalian University of Technology.
  • Yangen Zhan from Tianjin University.
  • Jindou Xie from National University of Defense Technology.

1. Usage

​ run python .\main.py --help to run with parameters.

PS D:\Classifier\py> python .\main.py --help
usage: main.py [-h] [--lr LR] [--ratio RATIO] [--epochs EPOCHS]
               [--class_num CLASS_NUM] [--batch_sz BATCH_SZ]
               [--inspect INSPECT] [-d] [-t] [-l] [-c]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --lr LR               Learning rate
  --ratio RATIO         Ratio for validation set
  --epochs EPOCHS       Training lasts for . epochs
  --class_num CLASS_NUM
                        How many classes we have
  --batch_sz BATCH_SZ   Batch size for miniBatch
  --inspect INSPECT     Print loss information every <inspect> batches
  -d, --del_dir         Delete dir ./logs and start new tensorboard records
  -t, --transfer        Using transfer learning
  -l, --load            Use saved model to train
  -c, --net             Use CNN? If false, use ResNet

1.1 Single model classification

​ run:

python .\main.py -c --epochs=25 --class_num=9
  • -c indicates using CNN model, otherwise, ResNet is to be used.
  • -l parameters will load the trained model from folder models
  • when class number is 6, a different output layer is used.

1.2 Transfer Learning

​ run

python .\main.py -c -t --epochs=25 --class_num=6
  • -t indicates transfer learning

2. Directory structure

  • models: where trained .pth files are stored
  • auc: to which AUC plots are outputted
  • train6-cr-cr...: 6-class classification training / validation / test set
  • train9-cr-cr...: 9-class classification training set
  • val9-cr-cr...: 9-class classification test set
  • py: where scripts are stored.
    • auc_calc.py: AUC plotter
    • CNN.py: CNN model
    • confusion.py: Confusion matrix plotter
    • main.py: Executable file for training
    • ResNet.py: ResNet model
    • utils.py: Utility functions like image loader
    • GoogLeNet.py LeNet implementation
    • ResCNN.py ResNet + CNN structure
    • svm_gbdt.py SVM + Gradient Boosting Tree implementation.
  • matlab: matlab .m files for data transformation implementation.
    • dataset1_process.m / dataset2_process.m: Data pre-process.

3. Requirements

​ CUDA is compulsory. Our implementation is based on Pytorch, with:

  • CNN / ResNet implementations. For not getting bothered by requirement issues, you can run:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.py

4. Results

​ Tensorboard visualization for flaw classification:

  • Result for 9-class classification: Acc is around 96.02% (augmented) (on test set), 95.52 (not augmented), 98.13% on train set.
  • For 6-class problem: Acc is around 95.3%. Transfer learning observes a higher convergence speed than start training from the scratch.
  • CNN outperforms ResNet and etc, for the reason that CNN is simpler which suits the depth of this task. ResNet and so on are more complex and difficult to train.
  • Neural Networks outperforms traditional algorithms like SVM and Gradient Boosting Tree, of which accuracies are 63.8% and 56.7% respectively.