
CUDA and torch mixture would definitely be interesting.

Primary LanguageCudaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

CUDA Learning

​ This is a project for learning torch.utils.cpp_extensions, which includes:

  • pytorch and perimeter python libs
  • CUDA extension and CUDA parallelism
  • C++ export module
  • libtorch (interesting conflicts with CUDA, not to mention Eigen)

​ CUDA implemented marching cubes algorithm (2D), which sucks, because of the dynamic parallelism and interesting CUDA version problem, like when I set:


​ for nvcc compile arguments, the kernels won't even execute for unknown reasons.

​ Also, dynamic parallelism (or nested kernel functions) are not well support by CUDA 10.2 I suppose.

Practice I Marching Square Algorithm & SDF calculation

Figure 1 Figure 2