Replicated Object Notation (RON) is a format for distributed live data. See for the protocol spec.
This is a Ragel/C++ implementation of:
- Replicated Object Notation (parsers/builders),
- Replicated Data Types (RON based CRDTs),
-, an embedded syncable database (RocksDB-based),
- swarmdb, a standalone RON key-value db (a CLI to the lib).
Still in the works / planned / envisioned:
- libswarmdb bindings for higher-level languages
- Java
- Rust
- node.js
- Python
- Go
- ?Haskell
- WebAssembly (in-memory) lib,
- other backends.
- ensure you have
- a C++ compiler (a recent clang is preferred),
- make,
- CMake (3.9.4 and up),
- git
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
(ninja and xcode builds are supported too, e.g. cmake -G Ninja .. && ninja
Static dependencies are fetched from the net and built by cmake:
- rocksdb,
- gflags,
- botan-2,
- snappy,
- myers-diff,
- cpp-btree.
Dymanic dependencies are taken from the system:
- zlib,
- libbz2.
- RON-open two-UUID notation
- strict references (every object is a causal tree)
- merge/gc separation (thanks @archagon)
- multiple encodings (text, binary, JSON, CBOR)
- chain-based compression
- bin/ - utility scripts
- ragel/ - Ragel grammars, parsers
- ron/ - RON basic primitives, encodings
- rdt/ - replicated data types, merge, gc
- db/ - RocksDB based implementation
- deps/ - libs, dependencies
- ...
Code conventions as per Google Style Guide.
Preferably, use bin/
for commits.