
An attempt at a simple DES algorithm Python implementation

Primary LanguagePython


An attempt at a simple DES algorithm Python implementation

The DES (Data Encyption Standard) algorithm in detail

A. Get the 16 subkeys from the primary key

In order to encrypt the original text we need 16 smaller 48-bit subkeys which are generated from a primary 64-bit key. Here is how to do this:

  1. Convert the 64-bit primary key to binary (if you haven't already)
  2. Discard every 8th bit of the key.
  3. Cut the new 56-bit key into two parts, left and right, each one being of 28 bits length.
  4. To get each one of the subkeys from the two parts:
  1. After all 16 rounds of step 4 we will get all the subkeys

B. Encryption

  1. Perform the IP (Initial Permutation*) on the 64-bit input text
  2. Split the 64-bit permutated text into two 32-bit parts: LPT and RPT
  3. Process* the two parts 16 times using each one of the 16 subkeys
  4. Perform the final permutation* (Reverse Initial Permutation - IP-1)
  5. We now have the 64-bit encrypted text

B.3* Each processing round consists of the following actions:

  1. Create (or simply get if you have already calculated it in section A) the according subkey
  2. In each round:
    • The left part becomes the right part
    • The right part is calculated as a sum of the left part plus a function f on the right part and the according subkey.
      For example, for round 1 we will need the first subkey, for round 2 the second and so on.
      Here is how the function f works:
      1. Perform an expansion permutation* on the right 32-bit part (RPT). This will produce a 48-bit block.
        This is how to map the bits for the expansion permutation
      2. XOR the expanded permutated part (block) with the according 48-bit subkey.
      3. We now have a 48-bit block. Split the block into 8 6-bit blocks and perform an S-Box permutation on each block.
        Here is how the S-Box permutation works with an example:
        • This is a 48-bit part:
          110101 000101 100100 010010 100001 000011 010101 000010
        • This is the second 6-bit block of the 48-bit part:
        • We use the first and the last bit to form a 2-bit i binary number: 01
        • We use the rest of the middle 4 bits to form a 4-bit j binary number: 0010
        • For each block we are given a specific S table. For block number 2 for example we get the table S2 out of 8 S tables:
          i /j 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
          0 15 1 8 14 6 11 3 4 9 7 2 13 12 0 5 10
          1 3 13 4 7 15 2 8 14 12 0 1 10 6 9 11 5
          2 0 14 7 11 10 4 13 1 5 8 12 6 9 3 2 15
          3 13 8 10 1 3 15 4 2 11 6 7 12 0 5 14 9
          You can find all S-Box permutation tables here
        • Select the number that is on the i-th row and j-th column and convert it to a 4-bit binary number. This number is the output S2(B2) (S2 for the second block).
        • Take the Sx(Bx) outputs and concatenate them. We will now get a 32-bit part (4-bit outputs * 8 blocks).
        • Perform a P-Box permutation on the 32-bit S-Box output to obtain the final value of f(RPT, subkeyround)
          This is how to map the bits for the P-Box permutation

B.4* Final Permutation / Reverse Initial Permutation:

After we have completed all 16 rounds of encryption here is what we will do:

  1. We have the output L16R16, which is a combination of the left and right 16th-round parts. Reverse the two parts to obtain R16L16
  2. Apply the final permutation* (IP-1). This is how to map the bits for the final permutation

C. Decryption

To decrypt an encrypted message simply apply the process of encryption using the 16 subkeys in reverse order.


  • A permutation is effectively a shuffling of elements.
  • A compression permutation is a permutation that ignores certain elements
  • An expansion permutation is a permutation where elements are repeated (counted for more than one times)


ECB (Electronic Code Book) mode: each 64-bit block of the original text is encrypted individually
Other modes: CBC (Chain Block Coding) and CFB (Cipher Feedback) make each cipher block dependent on all the previous message blocks through an initial XOR operation.


Written with StackEdit.