svelte-awesome-color-picker is a highly customizable svelte color picker component library
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svelte5 peer dep
#84 opened by Dudek-AMS - 4
- 0
Nullable when initial hex value is "#ff0000"
#80 opened by keehun - 1
#78 opened by MarcGodard - 5
- 1
Handler for on:blur?
#79 opened by keehun - 1
- 0
Indicator does not match cursor position
#76 opened by KipKippetje - 4
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z-index of the picker
#73 opened by adabingw - 2
Svelte 5 support
#69 opened by jerrygreen - 3
Failed to resolve entry for package
#71 opened by JCM00N - 0
--cp-border-color is used for text color
#72 opened by chbert - 4
HSV doesn't work in Svelte 5
#68 opened by jerrygreen - 0
Add type="button" the HEX to RGB button
#70 opened by celldra - 4
Input and a Wrapper customizing
#67 opened by KlashReik - 1
Is there a way to remove "Choose a color" text?
#65 opened by hvpavan - 5
Nullable error when initial value is undefined
#64 opened by zetokore - 2
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10 a11y warnings with svelte 4.0.0
#43 opened by Ennoriel - 3
No way to use an empty/optional value
#56 opened by zetokore - 1
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Console warning: ''[Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking <some> event. Consider marking event handler as 'passive' to make the page more responsive."
#44 opened by caseyplummer4haliontech - 2
How To Avoid Overflow Body?
#58 opened by skyslide22 - 7
Integer Color Support
#57 opened by Arbee4ever - 3
How to use the css variables?
#54 opened by henrygrant - 6
Cannot enter Hex value with text field
#53 opened by clairecassan - 1
Question: how to use selector without popup?
#52 opened by chrisvire - 6
Popup doesn't work in a shadow root
#45 opened by ezenkico - 4
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Svelte components not found
#48 opened by kamiyaa - 1
Alternate color space e.g. LCH
#42 opened by jfrancos - 2
Vertical Slider Issue
#41 opened by johnrichardrinehart - 3
Slider Issue
#40 opened by johnrichardrinehart - 2
CircleVariant doesn't exist?
#39 opened by johnrichardrinehart - 1
The color picker is always hiding when mouse is clicked outside of the component
#37 opened by JanRoma - 0
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isAlpha and canChangeMode props don't work
#33 opened by nickpoulos - 6
Color picker cut off in `overflow: auto` parent
#30 opened by wtachau - 4
colorPicker z-index
#28 opened by ayamkv - 4
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Console warning message on page load
#29 opened by Frank-D - 1
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A new instance of the color picker has the black section selected if alpha is set to 1
#27 opened by xelfer - 0
tab class stays on forever
#25 opened by manstie - 0
transparency slider button is not visible when the background color is close to white or transparent
#22 opened by JinIgarashi