Pinned Repositories
Here you can see almost all issues of my 13 week web development bootcamp.
STACK: HTML / CSS. My very first page i built. The goal was to keep it simple and use only HTML and CSS. Like almost everything in life where nothing is perfect, this CV isn't, too. Things i need / like to refactor in future are: Changing CSS classes for the skills. Right now every skill has its own css lass which seems to be unnecessary. The HTML at some parts is inconsistent. The page needs to be checked and refactored for accessibility reasons. # On Iphones (Safari and chrome) is shown an arrow behind the summary element which has to be hidden.
Stack: VUE.js / HTML / CSS / Javascript. This is a digital version of my CV and my portfolio. The page fetches my Github Repos and its descriptions from the Github API and in addition my CV data from a local json file.
Stack: PHP. A Shopware logo slider plugin. My first try to code in PHP
Config files for my GitHub profile.
Stack: HTML / CSS / JS. A simple but very nice looking way to show images as cards which can be expanded.
This was one of my coding katas at Coding Bootcamps Europe. It checks the entered password if it is: equal contains lower case upper case numbers at least 10 characters. In addition the password can be hidden on shown with a toggle button. The "contains number" check doesnt work correctly yet, there is an issue with the regex i still have to fix.
STACK: HTML / CSS / JS. Generates passwords with a length up to 35 characters with the option to include uppercase and lowercase letters and symbols and numbers.
EnricoCarruba's Repositories
Config files for my GitHub profile.
Here you can see almost all issues of my 13 week web development bootcamp.
Stack: VUE.js / HTML / CSS / Javascript. This is a digital version of my CV and my portfolio. The page fetches my Github Repos and its descriptions from the Github API and in addition my CV data from a local json file.
Stack: Java, mySQL. My final work when i finished the Java course. This is a calculator for travel costs. I built an own little rest api to fetch and get the data from a local server. The calculator has also a GUI.
A basic vue modal based on HTML and CSS, without any JS magic .
Progress bar built with vanilla JS, HTML and CSS
Stack: HTML / CSS / JS. A simple but very nice looking way to show images as cards which can be expanded.
This was one of my coding katas at Coding Bootcamps Europe. It checks the entered password if it is: equal contains lower case upper case numbers at least 10 characters. In addition the password can be hidden on shown with a toggle button. The "contains number" check doesnt work correctly yet, there is an issue with the regex i still have to fix.
STACK: HTML / CSS / JS. Generates passwords with a length up to 35 characters with the option to include uppercase and lowercase letters and symbols and numbers.
STACK: HTML / CSS. My very first page i built. The goal was to keep it simple and use only HTML and CSS. Like almost everything in life where nothing is perfect, this CV isn't, too. Things i need / like to refactor in future are: Changing CSS classes for the skills. Right now every skill has its own css lass which seems to be unnecessary. The HTML at some parts is inconsistent. The page needs to be checked and refactored for accessibility reasons. # On Iphones (Safari and chrome) is shown an arrow behind the summary element which has to be hidden.
Stack: HTML / CSS / JS. I started a simple to do web app which almost every beginner did while learning a tech :)
Stack: PHP. A Shopware logo slider plugin. My first try to code in PHP