3D game engine written in Rust.
If you want to support the development of the project, click the link below.
These screenshots are from rusty-shooter which is a big demo for the engine.
There are many examples covering various aspects of the engine. Also don't hesitate to create an issue if need help!
- Deferred shading.
- Directional light.
- Point light + shadows.
- Spot light + shadows.
- Bump mapping.
- Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO).
- Soft shadows.
- Volumetric light (spot, point).
- Render in texture.
- Multi-camera rendering.
- Scene graph with pivot, camera, mesh, light, particle system, sprite nodes.
- Built-in save/load - save/load state of engine in one call.
- High quality binaural sound with HRTF support.
- Skinning.
- Particle systems with soft particles.
- A* pathfinder.
- Navmesh.
- FBX Loader.
- Full TTF/OTF fonts support (thanks to fontdue and ttf-parser crates).
- PNG, JPG, TGA, DDS, etc. textures (thanks to image crate).
- Advanced node-based UI with lots of widgets.
- Animation blending state machine - similar to Mecanim in Unity Engine.
- Animation retargetting - allows you to remap animation from one model to another.
- Asset management (textures, models, sound buffers).
- Simple physics.
- Core library.
- Fast iterative compilation
- Debug: ~3 seconds
- Release: ~8 seconds
Contributions are very welcome! Please check Issues to see how you can help project and feel free to create your own issue!
- FBX loader supports versions 7100 - 7400. Binary 7500 is not supported yet, but ASCII is.