
technical test

Primary LanguagePHP

PHP EXERCISE - Bug tracking and fixing

Our client is migrating from PHP 5.6 to 7.4 This is a small piece of code that needs to be prepared for this migration. Keepinng in mind that we use Symfony as a framework for the backend system, ideally, we would like to see some kind of transformation to it. The decision is solely yours. There is no initial guidelines, however, you can follow the steps below:

  • review the code and propose a solution
  • highlight all the problems if you can't correct it
  • apply necessary changes and be sure that your code is working with both PHP versions


  • Please use Github and set up a git repository
  • Please ensure you have at least one commit within the first hour
  • We want to be able to know how you develop, so we will review your commit history
  • Send us the Github link to your repository once you are happy

Enrique Arrabal's solution

the approach to solution and the followed process