A modified version of Hack font

Modefied the Hack font with some characters like "i", "1" and "0" (hinted by ttfautohint)

👉 goto release page to download and use.


in Win10 VSCode(2560*1600)

in Win10 Gvim(1366*768)


  • you may experience problems while customizing Hack font with alt-hack repo. Trackback Error may like this:
Warning: Option `-w G' is deprecated!  Use option `-a qsq' instead
postbuild_processing/tt-hinting/Hack-Regular-TA.txt:3:1: invalid glyph name (0x204)
  numbersign touch 0,1,2,3,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,31 x 0.25  @ 13
Unable to execute ttfautohint on the Hack-Regular variant set.  Build canceled.

According to issue 482 from Hack repository issue lists, we need comment out all uncommented lines in these files: <Hack-src-root-path>/postbuild_processing/tt-hinting/*.txt.

  • Hack font is a great font for me! I ❤️ Hack!
  • the orginal Hack font looks like below:


See Hack#license.