
Blazor extensions for Analytics: Google Analytics, GTAG, ...

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Blazor extensions for Analytics: Google Analytics, GTAG, etc...
AspNetCore Version: 3.1.8

NuGet Package



For Every Tracker

First, import the namespaces in _Imports.razor

@using Blazor.Analytics
@using Blazor.Analytics.Components

Then, add the NavigationTracker component below your Router in App.razor.
The tracker listens to every navigation change while it's rendered on a page.

    <Router ... />
+   <NavigationTracker />

ServerSide Specific Configuration

Edit _Host.cshtml and apply the following change:

    <script src="_framework/blazor.server.js"></script>
+   <script src="_content/Blazor-Analytics/blazor-analytics.js"></script>

WASM Specific Configuration

Edit index.html and apply the following change:

    <script src="_framework/blazor.webassembly.js"></script>
+   <script src="_content/Blazor-Analytics/blazor-analytics.js"></script>

Setting up GoogleAnalytics

Inside your main Startup/Program, call AddGoogleAnalytics. This will configure your GTAG_ID automatically.

+   services.AddGoogleAnalytics("YOUR_GTAG_ID");

How to trigger an Analytics Event

  1. Inject IAnalytics wherever you want to trigger the event.
  2. Call IAnalytics.TrackEvent passing the EventName, Value and Category (optional).



  • Support for Events


  • Added support for
    • ServerSide (pre-rendering)
    • ServerSide (runtime)
    • WASM (runtime)